D2000 System contains several predefined objects of Structure definition type.
Item name | Description |
Name | Name of a process of D2000 Archiv type. |
PendingDbRequest | Number of waiting write requests for archive database. |
PendingStatReqest | Number of waiting requests for statistical archive. |
PerformedDbRequest | Number of performed write requests for archive database per second. |
PerformedCalcRequest | Number of performed statistic calculation per second. |
TotalItemsInCache | Number of items in internal archive cache. |
CacheEffectivity | Cache usage in % (if it is 100% the system does not need to read source data from disk in evaluating statistical historical values - the data are in the memory). |
DatabaseSize | Database size [MB]. |
AutoExtensible | If TRUE, then at least one of the datafiles is able to enlarge (for ORACLE databases only). |
FreeSpace | for Sybase: Free disk space for Oracle: Free space in existing datafiles |
PendingClearRequest | Number of waiting requests for deleting old data from archive database. |
Active | True - the instance of D2000 Archiv is active. False - the instance of D2000 Archiv is not active. |
LatestCommand | Description of the last executed command – a database request or statistics evaluation request in the process D2000 Archiv. |
DataSize | for Sybase: DataSize = DatabaseSize for Oracle: DataSize = DatabaseSize - FreeSpace |
Ready | True - the instance of D2000 Archiv is ready (the initial recalc has been executed). It may become active. False - the instance of D2000 Archiv is not ready. |
Item name | Description |
Name | Name of process EDA Server. |
DatabaseTaskCount | Number of database connections to DBS Oracle. |
WorkerTasksCount | Number of computing threads of EDA Server. |
clientsCount | Number of connected clients. |
triggersCount | Number of connected triggers. |
gcTotalBlocks | Number of pre-allocated data blocks of global cache. |
gcTotalVectors | Number of pre-allocated vector definitions of global cache. |
gcTotalGroups | Number of pre-allocated group definitions of global cache. |
gcTotalScenarios | Number of pre-allocated scenario definitions of global cache. |
gcUsedBlocks | Number of used data blocks of global cache. |
gcUsedVectors | Number of used vector definitions of global cache. |
gcUsedGroups | Number of used group definitions of global cache. |
gcUsedScenarios | Number of used scenario definitions of global cache. |
ccTotalBlocks | Number of pre-allocated data blocks of client cache. |
ccTotalVectors | Number of pre-allocated vector definitions of client cache. |
ccTotalGroups | Number of pre-allocated group definitions of client cache. |
ccTotalScenarios | Number of pre-allocated scenario definitions of client cache. |
ccUsedBlocks | Number of used data block of client cache. |
ccUsedVectors | Number of used vector definitions of client cache. |
ccUsedGroups | Number of used group definitions of client cache. |
ccUsedScenarios | Number of used scenario definitions of client cache. |
lpqLength | Length of message queue with a lower priority. |
npqLength | Length of message queue with a normal priority. |
ipqLength | Length of message queue with an internal priority. |
lpqMsgs | Number of processed messages with a lower priority. |
lpqAvgWaitTime | Average wait time of message in a queue with a lower priority. |
lpqMaxLength | Maximum length of queue with a lower priority. |
npqMsgs | Number of processed messages with a normal priority. |
npqAvgWaitTime | Average wait time of message in a queue with a normal priority. |
npqMaxLength | Maximum length of queue with a normal priority. |
ipqMsgs | Number of processed messages with an internal priority. |
ipqAvgWaitTime | Average wait time of message in a queue with an internal priority. |
ipqMaxLength | Maximum length of queue with an internal priority. |
transTime | Time spent on transactions for EDA Server synchronization. |
transCount | Number of transactions for EDA Server synchronization. |
triggerTransTime | Time spent on transactions for EDA Server synchronization from trigger. |
triggerTransCount | Number of transactions for EDA Server synchronization from trigger. |
msgProcessingTime | Time spent on processing messages. |
processedMsgCount | Number of processed messages. |
statementExecTime | Time spent on processing EDA-L commands. |
statementExecCount | Number of executed EDA-L commands. |
compilationTime | Time spent on of EDA-L compilations. |
compilationCount | Number of EDA-L compilations. |
descVectorCalcTime | Time spent on calculation of descriptive vectors. |
descVectorCalcCount | Number of calculation of descriptive vectors. |
archiveTransTime | Time spent on transactions with archive. |
archiveTransCount | Number of transactions with archive. |
dbTaskRequestWait | Time spent on waiting for trigger. |
dbTaskRequestCount | Number of task for trigger. |
dbActionsTime | Time spent on database actions. |
dbActionsCount | Number of database actions. |
sqlActionsTime | Time spent on executing SQL commands. |
sqlActionsCount | Number of executed SQL commands. |
cCacheMissCount | Number of queries on client cache which do not contain data. |
cCacheHitCount | Number of queries on client cache which contains data. |
ncCacheFullCount | Number of attempts to write to the full client cache. |
cCacheBypassCount | Number of attempts to write to the client cache of entities that have temporary flag "non-cacheable". |
cCacheNoncacheableCount | Number of non-cacheable access to the client cache. |
gCacheMissCount | Number of queries to global cache, which do not contain data. |
gCacheHitCount | Number of queries to global cache, which contains data. |
gCacheFullCount | Number of attempts to write to the full global cache. |
gCacheBypassCount | Number of attempts to write to the global cache of entities, that have temporary flag "non-cacheable". |
gCacheNoncacheableCount | Number of non-cacheable access to global cache. |
A structure contains the information about the files which have been returned by FIND_FILES action.
Item name | Description | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
IsFile | @TRUE - in case of file, @FALSE - in case of directory. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
CreateTime | Time when the file or directory was created. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
AccessTime | Time of the last access to the file (writing or reading). | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
ModifyTime | Time of the last file modification. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Size | File size in bytes. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name | File name. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Attribs | File attributes. The parameter Attribs contains file (directory) attributes, so as they were returned by an operating system. The following table contains the list of the attributes and their values from the file winnt.h.
Item name | Description |
Name | Line name. Name is entered by D2000 system user (configurator) - the name of a line to be tracked. |
Status | Line status (True / False). |
StatusTime | Relative time from last line status change. |
BytesIn | Number of received bits on the line from the start of process D2000 KOM or from the time when the data are set to zero by using the Tell command RESETPERF. |
BytesOut | Number of sent bits on the line from the start of process D2000 KOM or from the time when the data are set to zero by using the Tell command RESETPERF. |
FramesIn | Number of received datagram / packets on the line from the start of process D2000 KOM or the time when the data are set to zero by using the Tell command RESETPERF. |
FramesOut | Number of sent datagrams / packets on the line from the start of process D2000 KOM or the time when the data are set to zero by using the Tell command RESETPERF. |
RetryError | Number of datagram request retry error (no response) on the line from the start of process D2000 KOM or the time when the data are set to zero by using the Tell command RESETPERF. |
LastErrorTime | Last line error time. |
LastErrorText | Last line error report. |
Changes | Number of changes of I/O tags on the line that were sent to process D2000 Server during last 10-second period. |
ChangesTotal | Total number of changes of I/O tags on the line that were sent to process D2000 Server from the start of process D2000 KOM or the time when the data are set to zero by using the Tell command RESETPERF. |
StationsNumber | Number of stations on the line. |
Item name | Description |
IP_Address | IP address to be tested using the PING network service. |
Period | PING messages sending period (seconds). |
Timeout | Wait time (milliseconds) for device response. |
Reset | Setting the parameter to TRUE resets the parameter listed below. |
Status | Network status. |
StatusTime | Elapsed time of given status. |
PktRcv | Number of successfully transferred packets. |
PktLost | Number of lost packets. |
SuccRatio | Network transfer ratio. |
LastPingTime | Time when last message was sent. |
The structure contains the basic information about the objects which have been returned by LST_CREATE action.
Item name | Description |
ID | HOBJ of the object. |
Name | Object name. |
Desc | Object description. |
Type | Object type. |
Rows | Number of rows in case of the structured variable, otherwise 0. |
Cols | Number of columns in case of the structured variable / structure definition, otherwise 0. |
Parent | HOBJ of the parent object. |
It is possible to use a structure extended by 2 more columns with their types and meanings:
UUID | Unique object identifier. |
ModifyTime | Time of the last modification of the object. |
Item name | Description |
Name | Name of D2000 system process. In case of instance process the object name must be written with prefix [instNr]_, in which instNr is number of instance. Note 1: The parameter also allows to define a process running on other server (process D2000 Server) within a redundant system. To define such a process, define the parameter as follows: server_name::process_name (e.g. DS15A::SELF.KOM) |
ID | Process ID. |
Status | Process status. |
ComputerName | Name of computer where specified process is running. |
ClientType | Type of the connection of specified process to process D2000 Server. |
IPAddr1 | IP address if specified process is connected with D2000 Server through TCP/IP and DUAL TCP/IP. |
CommStatus1 1) | Status of the connection using the parameter IPAddr1. |
IPAddr2 1) | IP address of specified process. The parameter is shown if process is connected to D2000 Server through DUAL TCP/IP. |
CommStatus2 | Status of the connection using the parameter IPAddr2. |
SentMessages | Message count that are sent by D2000 Server to a client. |
ReceivMessages | Message count that are received by D2000 Server from a client. |
AllocatedMemory | Size (in bytes) of memory allocated by specified process. |
FreeMemory | for Windows: Free memory size of the computer (kilobytes) where specified process is running for OpenVMS: Size of memory (kilobytes) that can be allocated by specified process |
CpuLoad | CPU load of specified process. |
Active | Indicates whether the instance is active or not. Possible values:
StartTime | Start time of process. |
Handles | Number of the process handles. |
Threads | Number of the process threads. |
SendBytes | Byte count that are sent by D2000 Server to a client. |
ClientSendBytes | Byte count that are sent by a client to D2000 Server. |
AvailVirtual | The amount of unreserved and uncommitted memory currently in the user-mode portion of the virtual address space of the process, in bytes. |
PrivateUsage | The Commit Charge value in bytes for this process. Commit Charge is the total amount of memory that the memory manager has committed for a running process. |
ModuleInfo | Structured process information in JSON format. Example: { "name":"cli.EVH", "basename":"cli", "ext":"EVH", "descript":"New Process", "state_value":"RUN", "state_ts":"2017-06-02T08:47:25.113Z", "run_counter":2, "transport":{ "type":"SharedMemory", "tls":"None" }, "client_data":{ "host_name":"PC1A3", "platform":"w32", "os_info":"", "d2000_version":"BASIC V11.00.053 (A000000000-00) [s150] - DEBUG", "image_path":"C:\\D2000\\D2000_EXE\\bin\\event.exe", "image_ts":"2017-06-02T08:29:48.000Z", "image_size":67027508, "command_line":"event.exe /Wcli /DW", "log_path":"C:\\D2000\\D2000_EXE\\Log\\", "log_file":"EVH-cli.log" } } |
1) The variable contains the status of TCP/IP connection. TRUE means that the connection has been established and is active. FALSE means that the connection has not been established or has been already ended. If the client process is connected to D2000 Server via one or several active network components (gateway, router...), the status of connection can, in the specific situations (the fault conditions, physical cut-off the wiring network), acquire this value belatedly by tenth seconds up to several minutes.
Item name | Description |
Name | Name of server (process D2000 Server) within redundant group. |
ComputerName | Name of the computer where specified server is running. |
UpTime | Run time of specified server. |
Status | Server status in redundancy. For numerical values see table of server states |
StatusTime | Elapsed time of specified status. |
Item name | Description |
Name | Station name. Name is entered by D2000 system user (configurator) - the name of a station to be tracked. |
FramesIn | Number of received datagrams / packets on the station from the start of process D2000 KOM or the time when the data are set to zero using the Tell command RESETPERF. |
FramesOut | Number of sent datagrams / packets on the station from the start of process D2000 KOM or the time when the data are set to zero using the Tell command RESETPERF. |
LastCommActivity | Time of last communication with the station (e.g. data reading time in communication of request / response type). |
LastTimeSynchro | Time of the real time station synchronisation. |
LastErrorTime | Last station error time. |
LastErrorText | Last station error report. |
Changes | Number of changes of I/O tags on the station that were sent to process D2000 Server during last 10-second period. |
ChangesTotal | Total number of changes of I/O tags on the station that were sent to the process D2000 Server from the start of process D2000 KOM or the time when the data are set to zero by using the Tell command RESETPERF. |
WaitReqNumber | Number of station communication requests postponed. |
PointsNumber | Number of I/O tags on the station. |
Item name | Description |
Name | Name of process. |
ClientsNr | Number of clients. |
TotalOutMsg | Total outgoing messages. |
TotalInMsg | Total incoming messages. |
TotalOutBytes | Total outgoing bytes. |
TotalInBytes | Total incoming bytes. |
ServletQTotalSize | Servlet queue total size. |
ServletQTotalCount | Servlet queue total count. |
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