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Circutor CVMk MODBUS communication protocol

Supported device types and versions 
Communication line configuration
Communication station configuration
I/O tag configuration
Changes and modifications
Document revisions

Supported device types and versions

MODBUS RTU MASTER supports data reading from the analyzers Circutor CVMk.

Communication line configuration

  • Communication line category: Serial.
  • Parameters of asynchronous line depending on the design and type of device connection – see literature about Circutor.

Communication station configuration

  • Communication protocol: MODBUS Circutor CVMk.
  • Station address is a decimal number in the range of 0 up to 255

Station protocol parameters

There can be defined the following parameters:

Table 1

Key word Full name Meaning Unit Default value
RC Retry Count Number of retry calls when an error in communication occurs. - 2
RT Retry Timeout Delay between retry calls if an error in communication occurs. ms 200 millisec.
WFT Wait First Timeout First waiting on the response after sending a call. ms 100 millisec.
WT Wait Timeout Delay between the readings of a response until it is completed. ms 100 millisec.
MWR Max Wait Retry Number of retry response reading until it is completed. - 15

String with protocol parameters is written according to this rule:




If a key word with valid value has not been found in the initial string, default value is used according to Table 1.

I/O tag configuration

I/O tags: Ai

Address – decimal number in the range of 0 to 65535 – number of MODBUS double register.

The values are read by 2 registers and interpreted as a 4 byte integer. The addresses of values are described in literature about Circutor.



Changes and modifications


Document revisions

  • Ver. 1.0 – May 9, 2000 – creation of document
  • Žiadne štítky