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The function may be also used in server script (object of Event type).
%To_String( in expression [, HBJ in refToStatusText [, INT in transPalIdx [, INT in lngIdx]]] )
expression | Expression, the result value of which is to be converted to a text. |
refToStatusText | Optional parameter. Reference to object of Status text type. |
transPalIdx | Optional parameter. Index of Transformation palette. |
lngIdx | Optional parameter. Language index in Dictionary. |
The parameter refToStatusText must be the reference to an existing object of Status text type or the value of 0. Use the value of 0 if you need to define a transformation palette index and do not want to use a status text.
The parameter transPalIdx is valid within the range of 1..32. If its value is out of range, the parameter will not be used.
Parameter lngIdx is valid within the range of the defined languages in dictionary. If its value is out of this range, the value will be a default language.
The second and third parameters must be valid values. If these conditions are not met, the function will returns invalid value.
TEXT _text INT _value _value := 1 ; conversion according to configuration of status text SText and Transformation palette index _text := %To_String(_value, SText\HBJ, 1) ; conversion according to Transformation palette index _text := %To_String(_value, 0, 1) ; conversion according to configuration of status text SText _text := %To_String(_value, StavovyText\HBJ) ; conversion according to a language ID _text := %To_String(_value,0, 0, 2)
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