Creating applications on Sybase / SQL Server platforms

A dialog window used for a creating of new or existing application will be opened after you click on button Button Create New Application Create New Application (or right-click on Application and choose an item New application from pop up menu) or on button Button Modify Application Modify Application (or right-click on Application and choose an item Edit from pop up menu). After that, select a proper platform in dialog box Select platform.

Creating of application

Application name

Name of new application.

Appl. description

Application description, it can be used in print outputs.

DB Driver

Database access driver. Following ones are supported:

  • Adaptive Server Anywhere by Sybase (version 6.0, 7.0, 9.0 and 12.0). Since the version D2000 9.1 there is supported only Sybase 12.0.
  • SQL Server by Microsoft

Engine name

If Adaptive Server Anywhere driver is selected, list of configured database servers is displayed.


Way of application start up:

  • Automatic - application will activate during an operation system starting up
  • Manual - application must start up manual through the process D2000 Application Manager
  • Disable - starting up of the application is disabled

Path to executable

Path pointing to process D2Start including parameters which will be given to process D2000 Server.

Allow service to interact with the desktop

Makes the processes D2Start and D2000 Server visible on the desktop.

Note: Application name and database driver can be changed only at configuration of new application. If the existing application is modified, these check boxes will be disabled.

Test version of application is distinguished by colour change in a titlebar.

After new application has been created the dialog window for archive configuration is opened.

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