Value types of D2000 system objects

All the values to which the system assigns values are called active objects (classification of D2000 system object). Values of various types can be assigned to active objects. Admissible value types for individual objects are shown in the following table.

  D - logical value
I - integer value
R - real value
Ta - absolute time
Tr - relative time
Li - Line
Al - Alarm
St - Station
Pr - Process
Txt - Text
Q - quadrat value
Alarm      ×    
Calendar ×         
Day type ×         
Eval tag×××××      
Historical value××××××××× ×
I/O tag×××××     ×
Line     ×     
Process        ×  
Remote tag×××××      
Station       ×   
System tag ××        
Time channel×××        
User variable×××××    × 
Value array×××        

DODM - dynamic object data model