Ak je hodnota uvedená a väčšia ako 0, priebehu bude priradená existujúca os v grafe. Ak hodnota nie je uvedená alebo je 0, os priradená k priebehu sa nezmení.
The graph must be placed in the picture, where the parameter refId is the reference variable of the graph. The parameter RefToCol is the reference to the structure column (item), that includes the data to display. Individual values in the structure column are forming a value array. Each of the values contains a timestamp used to display in the graph. These timestamps must be arranged upwardly. The parameter step determines, whether the data in the graph considers to be periodical (value is defined in the time written in its timestamp). If the value of the parameter step=0, the values are displayed as non-periodical (change values). The parameter bStart_Int is not used.
Data fulfilment can be used only for the graphic flows with defined alternate object - "*".
The function %HI_SetGraphData (unlike the %HI_AddGraphData function) deletes all the values of the flow first and then inserts the new ones.
The following example reads values in last 10 minutes from the archive and displays them in the graph.
ENTRY sendData_OnClick
INT _retCode
RECORD (SD.ArchVal) _data
_ET := SysTime
_BT := %SubTime(_ET, 10*60)
GETARCHARR H.Sec, _data^Value, _data^Flags, _BT, _ET, 0, 1000, _retCode
%HI_SetGraphData(_graf, 2, _data^Value)
%HI_SetGraphInfo(_graf, 2, "Number of values = " + %IToStr(_data\DIM))
END sendData_OnClick