Structure of object SD.ListData mentioned in an example must correspond with structure of output parameter _data of ESL action LST_CREATE.

 RECORD NOALIAS (SD.ListData) _data
 TEXT _mask
 INT _objType
 ALIAS _logGroup
 INT _sortBy
 INT _lines
 INT _h
 INT _nrObjs
 INT _nrPages
 _mask    := "P.*"              ; mask of objects that are required
 _objType :=  @OTYPE_ALL_TYPES   ; all types of objects
 _sortBy  :=  @SORT_LIST_NAME      ; sorting according to object name
 _lines   := 7                  ; number of elements on one page

 ; instead of _logGroup there can be filter by logical group (by entering its name)
LST_CREATE _mask, _objType, _logGroup, _sortBy, _lines, _h, _data
  IF  _h <> 0 THEN   ; if the list of objects has been created (if h=0 => error)
 LST_GETINFO _h, _nrObjs  ; detection of number of all objects in list
  IF %Mod( _nrObjs, _lines ) = 0 THEN 
  _nrPages := _nrObjs / _lines
  _nrPages := _nrObjs / _lines + 1
  ; if LEN(_data) = 0, then page does not exist
  ; if LEN(_data) = 0 follows after LST_CREATE, then _nrObjs = 0 and it is not important to pass through list of objects
 ; or if LST_GO_TOP is followed by LST_GO_PREV, then LST_GO_PREV will be followed by LEN(_data) = 0
 LST_GO_PAGE   _h, _data, 2
  LST_GO_FIRST _h, _data
  LST_GO_NEXT   _h, _data
 LST_GO_PREV   _h, _data
  LST_GO_LAST   _h, _data
 LST_CLOSE _h   ; closing the list of objects 

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