Reference to a historical value

To insert the reference to a historical value (or its attribute), proceed as follows:

  1. in the sheet, select the cells you want to insert the reference in
  2. select the option Object Values from the menu D2000 WorkBook
  3. in the dialog box:

    check the parameter Values from archive and define the parameters (procedure is similar to the procedure for current value):

    • Object name
    • Value attribute
    • Calculate on change - the parameter is usually not being defined. In most cases, the function calculation is provided by a change of begin or end times in the historical value interval.
    • Values row by row/Values column by column - the parameters allows to arrange the values in time - row by row or column by column. For a row block, value times are increasing from the left to the right in rows. For a column block, value times are increasing down from top in columns.
    • Values position - definition of an area where the values from the archive will be placed in. When you place the mouse cursor to the input edit filed, you can define an area selecting it in the sheet. Reference to such defined block will be created automatically.
    • Beginning time - reference to a cell (or expression) that contains the beginning time for the archive block. Generally, it is the cell named D2000_BT.
    • Ending time - reference to a cell (or expression) that contains the ending time for the archive block. Generally, it is the cell named D2000_ET.
    • Step - reference to a cell (o expression) that contains the time step for oversampling the values from the archive.

  4. After clicking the button Insert, the expression defined for the cells (defined by the parameter Values position) is to be filled by corresponding reference to a value from the archive.

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