Porovnávané verzie


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  • Formátovanie sa zmenilo.


Display modeDrawing
Use previousThere is used the method defined for last valid status script.
NormalBitmap is drawn in first color - the item 3. For monochromatic bitmap only.
DisableBitmap is drawn in first color - the item 3. For monochromatic bitmap only. In this view, object control is disabled.D2000 V12.1N
Not drawnBitmap is not drawn in the picture opened in D2000 HI.
Slow blink
Quick blink
Bitmap is blinking - it is alternately drawn in first color (1.F - the item 3) and second color (2.F - the item 4). For monochromatic bitmaps only.
Slow switch
Quick switch
Very quick switch
These modes are being used to display a bitmaps sequence. Bitmaps in defined sequence are alternately switched - easy animation. If these methods are used for other graphic object than bitmap, then the graphic object is drawn as well as for the mode Normal.


Minimum supported versionD2000 V12

titleRelated pages:

Configuration of palettes
Configuration of bitmap palettes
Use of bitmap palettes
Definition of animated sequence
