Porovnávané verzie


  • Tento riadok sa pridal
  • Riadok je odstránený.
  • Formátovanie sa zmenilo.


  • %ACKChange - acknowledgement of all values of all objects in the picture. The attribute of values, whose last change have not been acknowledged by the operator is NoAckValue.
  • %CLOSE - closing the picture.
  • %History - history of picture.
  • %History2 - history of picture - it shows the history in the range of one hour from the entered time interval (only start time interval can be set in the dialog window (1)).
  • %MovePicture - Change the position of the pictute using the mouse. Only available in left mouse button action (D2000 V12.2N)
  • %ViewTrend - displaying of the flow of connected object in the dynamic graph.
  • %ToggleNotesVisible / hide notes in picture (D2000 V12.2N)
  • %NStepBack - navigator function - previous view.
  • %Read_MDD.INI - reading MDD.INI file defining HI behavior at multi-monitor workplace (D2000 V12.5N)


Minimum supported versionD2000 V12.2N, D2000 V12.5N

titleRelated pages:

Connecting graphic objects to control
