Porovnávané verzie


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Depth of configuration database backups created automatically. Backups older than the specified depth are automatically deleted. It is given in seconds. 

 Setting to 0 value disables the automatic backup of the configuration database.

BackupSysCfgOffsetOffset of automatic backup of the configuration database in the given period. It is given in the format HH: MM. It means a shift in hours and minutes.
BackupSysCfgPathThe path to the directory where the automatically created configuration database backups will be stored. It is primarily set to %D2000_APP%\%nazov_aplikacie%\SysCfg\Backup.

Note: For the proper functionality of the automatic backup of the configuration database, there should be no other directories or files in the directory where the backups are stored.

Period of automatic backup of the configuration database. It is given in the format NX, where N is an integer and X is a unit of time. Permissible time units are H - hour, D - day, W - week, M - month.

Note: Nastavením prázdnej hodnoty alebo hodnoty 0H sa vypne vytváranie záloh konfiguračnej databázy Setting an empty value or a value of 0H disables configuration database backups.

Method of implementation:
