BackupSysCfgDeep | Depth of configuration database backups created automatically. Backups older than the specified depth are automatically deleted. It is given in seconds.
BackupSysCfgOffset | Offset of automatic backup of the configuration database in the given period. It is given in the format HH: MM. It means a shift in hours and minutes. |
BackupSysCfgPath | The path to the directory where the automatically created configuration database backups will be stored. It is primarily set to %D2000_APP%\%nazov_aplikacie%\SysCfg\Backup. Note: For the proper functionality of the automatic backup of the configuration database, there should be no other directories or files in the directory where the backups are stored. |
BackupSysCfgPeriod | Period of automatic backup of the configuration database. It is given in the format NX, where N is an integer and X is a unit of time. Permissible time units are H - hour, D - day, W - week, M - month.
Method of implementation: