Special settings of D2000 system

This topic describes some "special" settings of D2000 systems. The settings cannot be configured directly in D2000 system, but they have to be configured in the registry of the operating system.

The settings are located in the key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Ipesoft\D2000V70 and are described in the following table:

ParameterDefault valueUnitsDescription
-Path to the application directory of D2000 system. Application data are stored in respective subdirectories of the directory. It is defined during the D2000 system installation.
-Path to the directory that contains D2000 system log files of Debug category.
-Path to the program files directory of D2000 system. It is defined during the D2000 system installation.
-Network IP mask. The parameter can be only used for redundancy of communication routes or redundancy of application server. It is set during the D2000 system installation (the parameter IPMask).
-Path to the directory that contains D2000 system log files of Log category.
10MBMaximum size of D2000 system log files. If the size of a *.log file reaches given size, D2000 system renames the file to file_name.log.bak and deletes previous .bak file if it exists. Then the system writes into clear .log file.

Note 1 : Max_Log_Size=0 defines the old system behaviour - unlimited log file size.
Note 2 : The parameter also specifies the maximum size of files located in the directory D2000.EXE\Log\clients_log.
-Path to the directory that contains D2000 system log files of Performance category.
-Mask of the network that is preferred - for redundancy of communication routes.
-Serial number of network adapter that is preferred - for redundancy of communication routes.

-IP addresses of the network interfaces through which the processes of D2000 system communicate.
From version 7.1.18 these parameters can be used also for MS Windows platform. If they are not specified, the processes will automatically detect them (default behaviour for lower versions).
Note: if the computer has more than 2 IP addresses, we recommend that you specify IpAddr1 and IpAddr2 so that the D2000 system deterministically uses the desired interfaces for communication. This is even more important if your computer has aliases configured as well. Then there is a risk that IP addresses/aliases configured on one interface will be used for communication and in case of failure of this interface the redundant communication between D2000 servers will stop working. This can result in a situation when two D2000 Servers enter the Hot Server (HS) state.

The registry also includes other parameters that are required for correct functioning of D2000 system.

!!! WARNING !!!
We strongly recommend NOT to change any of these settings, with the exception of network settings. Any change may damage the functionality of D2000 system.

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