Display masks

Display masks are D2000 system objects. They are defined for particular process alarm states of objects of I/O tag, Eval tag and Switch type. They are used to define a text, that will be displayed in the Alarm list window (the Event description column) in the process D2000 HI after changing the status of the object's process alarm into corresponding status. Display mask is defined by a text that can also contain format masks.

There is a predefined group of display masks in the D2000 system. The masks are used for displaying various operations of the D2000 system (e.g. the display mask SM._Start_Systemu is used when the D2000 system is starting).

The list of predefined display masks in the D2000 system:

SM._ConfigDone Configuration change mask.
SM._EventLog Not implemented yet.
SM._Logoff Logoff mask.
SM._LogonFailed Unsuccessful logon mask.
SM._LogonSucc Successful logon mask.
SM._MonitorVal_Limit Mask for limit crossing log.
SM._MonitorVal_Value Mask for value change log.
SM._Operator_SetVal Operator-adjusted value mask.
SM._PMD Post mortem data mask.
SM._ProcAlarm_Block Mask for blocking process alarms.
SM._ProcAlarm_Kvit Mask for acknowledging process alarms.
SM._ProcAlarm_UnBlock Mask for unblocking process alarms.
SM._ProcesLog Process logon mask.
SM._ProcesStart Process start mask.
SM._ProcesStop Process stop mask.
SM._Start_Systemu D2000 system start mask.
SM._StationChange Station status change mask.
SM._Stop_Systemu D2000 system stop mask.
SM._SysAlarm_Alarm System alarm mask for transition to Alarm status.
SM._SysAlarm_Block System alarm mask for transition to Block status.
SM._SysAlarm_Kvit System alarm mask for transition to Acknowledge status.
SM._SysAlarm_Normal System alarm mask for transition to Normal status.
SM._SysAlarm_Unblock System alarm mask for transition to Unblock status.
SM._SystemError Mask for system warning or system error info.
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