Program D2000 CfgSynchrAuto is used for automatic (non-interactive) and complete synchronization of configuration databases. It is called by process D2000 Server that is in HS state and receives a synchronization request from another process D2000 Server attempting to connect to the redundant group.

After being installed program D2000 CfgSynchrAuto is located in the \Bin subdirectory of the application directory and it is named cfgsynchroauto.exe or cfgsynchroauto_ora.exe. The first accesses configuration databases via ODBC interface, the latter via OCI (Oracle Common Interface).

Cfgsynchroauto.exe allows to synchronize configurations stored in Sybase or Oracle database (as for Oracle, it is necessary to create DSN by means of ODBC driver).

Program cfgsynchroauto_ora.exe only allows to synchronize configurations saved in Oracle database.

Starting D2000 CfgSynchroAuto

Program is run from command line as follows:

Declaration cfgsynchroauto.exe srcDSNName dstDSNName userName [dstUserName] [A]

cfgsynchroauto_ora.exe srcTNSName dstTNSName userName [dstUserName] [A]
srcDSNName DSN of source configuration database.
dstDSNName DSN of destination configuration database.
srcTNSName TNS of source configuration database.
dstTNSName TNS of destination configuration database.
userName User name as a login to source configuration database.
dstUserName User name as a login to destination configuration database.

If not defined differently, the name in the parameter userName is used. This parameter must be specified when synchronizing a Sybase database with an Oracle database (due to different way of naming a user of configuration database).
A If the parameter is used, synchronization automatically carries out an upgrade of database, if needed. If it is not used, synchronization is terminated with an error.

Note: Version of configuration database changes as new releases of D2000 system come out (not always). Therefore an upgrade is performed by process D2000 Server while starting.
From version 7.1.X R49 the parameter is ignored and an automatic upgrade of configuration database is permitted.
/NO_OBJLIFE If the parameter is used, the object life logs will not be synchronized.

Note: If the parameter LogRecsLateSynchro is set, when starting D2000 CfgSynchroAuto from D2000 Server process, the parameter /NO_OBJLIFE will be used when connecting of the SBS Server. I.e. the object life logs not be synchronized and the synchronization of databases will take much shorter.
/ONLY_OBJLIFE If the parameter is used, only object life logs will be synchronized.

After finishing its activity, program cfgsynchroauto.exe sets a return code that can be tested. If the synchronization was successful, its value is 0.