ESL extended functions
The standard set of functions, used for the mathematical expressions, is enhanced with the following functions in ESL:
- %AuthUser
- %CloseRefToObject
- %ESLProfileStart
- %GetAccessLevel
- %GetApplDir
- %GetCallChain
- %GetCSVDelimiter
- %GetEventInstanceId
- %GetItemStTextRef
- %GetItemTransPalMask
- %GetItemType
- %GetLastExtErrorCode
- %GetLastExtErrorMsg
- %GetLocalItemValue
- %GetObjDescript
- %GetParentProcessHBJ
- %GetPrinterName
- %GetRecordStructHBJ
- %GetResourcePath
- %GetRPCCallerIsJava
- %GetRPCCallerObject
- %GetRPCCallerProcess
- %GetSelfHBJ
- %GetSelfInstanceID
- %GetStTextBase
- %GetStTextRange
- %GetStTextRGB
- %GetStTextStep
- %GetTriggerQueueLen
- %GetUserObjName
- %HBJToStr
- %LNG_Translate
- %LNG_GetCurrLngIdx
- %MakeRGB
- %OpenRefToObject
- %SaveResourceAs
- %SetExtFuncDllName
- %SetItemValue
- %SetLocalItemValue
- %StartProcess
- %StrToHBJ
- %StructCalcOp
- %StructCmp
- %StructFill
- %StructReplace
- %From_String
- %To_String
File and directory manipulation functions
- %FIO_Close
- %FIO_Copy
- %FIO_Create
- %FIO_Delete
- %FIO_Exist
- %FIO_GetReadable
- %FIO_GetWritable
- %FIO_ChmodHpux
- %FIO_Move
- %FIO_NewLine
- %FIO_OpenAppend
- %FIO_OpenRead
- %FIO_ReadLine
- %FIO_ReadWholeFile
- %FIO_ServerGetFile
- %FIO_ServerSetFile
- %FIO_SetWritable
- %FIO_Write
- %FIO_WriteLine
- %FIO_WriteWholeFile
Dictionary manipulation functions
- %FIO_MkDir
- %FIO_Move *
- %FIO_RemoveDir
* For use on Windows and Linux platforms only
XML file manipulation functions
Note: D2000 System allows to use JAVA language to write the applications. The equivalents of ESL functions are stated in the extra html files available in the D2000 System installation directory - subdirectory Help.