%GetRPCCallerProcess function

The function returns a unique identifier (HOBJ) of object of the Process type that called currently executed RPC procedure.
INT %GetRPCCallerProcess()
No parameters.
Return value
The return value is of the Int type. 
This function can be used to identify the process in an application that is built on server-client architecture. It eliminates the explicit transmission of process identifier by means of parameters.
This example shows the transmission of identifier of calling process by means of parameter:
  ; Calling with transmission of HOBJ of calling process
 INT _hbj
 _hbj := %GetParentProcessHBJ()
 CALL [E.Service] Service(1, _hbj)
  ; *****************************************
 ; _callerProcess - HOBJ of calling process
 RPC PROCEDURE Service (IN INT _anyParams, IN INT _callerProcess)
 END Service
or using the function %GetRPCCallerProcess:
  ; Calling without transmission of HOBJ by means of parameter
 CALL [E.Service] Service(1)
 RPC PROCEDURE Service (IN INT _anyParams, IN INT _callerProcess)
   INT _callerProcess
   _callerProcess := %GetRPCCallerProcess()
  END Service
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