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%HI_From_Clipboard function

The function inserts the Clipboard content to the specified entire local variable or its column.
       HBJ out _struct | _struct^Col
   [, TEXT in timeMask]

_struct Reading the Clipboard content to the whole local variable of Record type.
_struct^Col Reading the Clipboard content to one row of the local variable.
timeMask Optional parameter - mask for reading values of Absolute time type.

The function reads the Clipboard content (inserted by the function %HI_To_Clipboard), then converts it to the values of the local variable. If there is defined a column name, the function only converts the first row from the Clipboard to the specified column of the local variable. Otherwise, the function converts as many columns as the local variable comprises of.
Missing columns are replaced by invalid values. If the structure in the Clipboard contains more columns than the local variable, the surplus columns will be ignored. When needed, the function can resize the structure.
Columns in the Clipboard are horizontal tab-separated.
If the parameter timeMask:
  • is not specified - the conversion uses the text mask hh:mm:ss
  • is specified and differ from the mask "" (empty mask) - the conversion uses the mask specified by the parameter timeMask
  • is the mask "" (empty mask) - the conversion of absolute time and real values uses the settings specified in the Regional and Language Options of the current user
If the time components hh, mm or ss are missing, they are to be replaced with 0.
 INT _rows
 INT _cols
 ; detection of the structure size placed in Clipboard
 _rows :=  %HI_Get_Clipboard_Rows()
 _cols :=  %HI_Get_Clipboard_Cols()
 IF  _rows=0 | _cols=0 THEN
 ; Clipboard is empty
   ; reading the column 1 from Clipboard and copying into the column 'Real'
   %HI_From_Clipboard(_recFrom^Real, "")
   ; or reading as many columns as the variable _recFrom has
   %HI_From_Clipboard(_recFrom\HBJ, "")

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