Porovnávané verzie


  • Tento riadok sa pridal
  • Riadok je odstránený.
  • Formátovanie sa zmenilo.


  • authenticate - User's login to the device. Valid username and password are required to execute this request. Only one user can be signed in at one time, so if configuration of the device is to be modified via web interface, communication with D2000 must be stopped.
  • liveCharacteristicValue - querying "live" data from the device. These data are collected by device in real-time, such as vibration, temperature, voltage, load, but also and the rotational speed of the device .(rotational speed requires connecting external sensor)

Communication with the FAG SmartCheck is established using the IP address of device, by following procedure:

  • An authenticate request is sent to device. This request uses username and password valid for the device. 
  • The device sends a response, which will indicate, whether the login to the device was successful.
  • If the login was successful, D2000 sends a liveChararacteristicValue request is to the device.
  • The device sends measured values a response (vibration, temperature, voltage, load, digital rotational speed).

Configuration of communication


The structured variable SV.FAG.SmartCheck.Parameters is used to configure communication.  This structure has to be dimensioned resized to as many rows as there are devices. The meaning of each column is as follows:


Output from the communication is written to the structured variable SV.FAG.SmartCheck.Values, which has as many rows, as there are devices (if needed, it is automatically resized). The meaning of each column is as follows:
