Porovnávané verzie


  • Tento riadok sa pridal
  • Riadok je odstránený.
  • Formátovanie sa zmenilo.


Note 1: Individual bits of bytes which determines a quality byte (SIQ for ASDU 1,2,30; DIQ for ASDU 3,4,31; QDS for 5-14,20,32-36) set the attributes FLA (0.bit), FLB (1.bit) ..FLH (7.bit).
for ASDU 4: FLA=DPI bit 0, FLB=DPI bit 1, FLC=0, FLD=0, FLE=BL bit, FLF=SB bit, FLG=NT bit, FLH=IV bit.
for ASDU 16: FLA..FLE Sequence number bity bits 0..4, FLF=CY bit, FLG=CA bit, FLH=IV bit

  • if bit IV (Invalid) is set, the status of value will be Invalid
  • if one of the NT (Not topical), SB (Substituted), BL (Blocked), OV (Overflow), CA (Counter adjusted), or CY (Counter overflow) bits are set for in their respective ASDU types, the status of value will be Weak.


** - ASDU 17 and 38: the value of SEP byte sets the attributes FLA (0.bit), FLB (1.bit) up-to FLH (7.bit), following 2 bytes (CP16Time2a) are interpreted as a positive number (0-60 000) into the value of I/O tag with value type Ci/Ai or as a relative time (0-60 seconds) into the value of I/O tag with TiR value type TiR.

*** - ASDU 18, 39 and 40: value of SPE(ASDU 18,39) or OCI (ASDU 40) byte sets the attributes FLI (0.bit), FLJ (1.bit) up-to FLP (7.bit). The value of byte QDP sets the attributes FLA (0.bit), FLB (1.bit) up-to FLH (7.bit), following 2 bytes (CP16Time2a) are interpreted as a positive number (0-60 000) into the value of I/O tag with value type Ci/Ai or as a relative time (0-60 seconds) into the value of I/O tag with TiR value type TiR.

Note 2: When using the system and line redundant categories of lines, the status of line and station is formed by a logical sum of all used lines. It means, that if the redundant system consists of four lines and just one line is working, the status of the station and line is all right. The status of lines is presented with the help of special input or output I/O tag (of integer and real type, i.e. Ai/Ao/Ci/Co). The name of this I/O tag has this format: [line_name]_SystemStatus (e.g. for line L.Test it is M.Test_SystemStatus). The value of the I/O tag represents the binary format of the status of N-tuple lines. If the first three lines are okay but the last one does not work (SystemB/SecondaryLine) i.e. [FALSE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE], I/O tag has the value 0b0111, i.e. 7.
The order of lines mapped to individual bits is [SystemB/SecondaryLine,  SystemB/PrimaryLine, SystemA/SecondaryLine, SystemA/PrimaryLine].


Double-clicking on a particular line will cause the Address parameter to be inserted into the configuration of the I/O tag from which the IEC870-5-101 Item Browser window was opened.



You can read blogs about  about the IEC 870-5-101 protocol (for now, in Slovak language only): 
