Porovnávané verzie


  • Tento riadok sa pridal
  • Riadok je odstránený.
  • Formátovanie sa zmenilo.


After right-click on the data container, the context-menu is opened. After clicking the Click "Watch" menu item, ...to open Container object inspector.

Description of columns: 

HandleUnique identifier of data container. The value is the same as value returned by CNT_CREATE.
userIdentValue of string, defined by a user, within CNT_DEBUG.
Current ItemsCurrent items in the container.
Maximal ItemsMaximum items in the container (it may be reset by the option Reset counters).
Current SizeContainer size in Bytes.
In Array modeFlag that indicates the existence of internal array (see CNT_CNVTOARRAY script action).
Created by CNT_CREATEDescribed the way of creation of container. TRUE – CNT_CREATE script action. FALSE – GETARCHARR_TO_CNT script action.
