Porovnávané verzie


  • Tento riadok sa pridal
  • Riadok je odstránený.
  • Formátovanie sa zmenilo.


  • None - the client will connect to the kernel if the kernel supports secure communication and even if it does not support secure communication
  • TLSNoPeerAuth - the client will only connect to the kernel ensuring secure communication and it is verifiable by the certificate

4. To use TLS, the client must also start with


@<application_name> parameter in addition to the usual parameters (/S, /RD or /RF)

The reason is to already know the name of the application before connecting to the application server and load the parameters from the TLS  registers (see point 3). 

titleChange of keys and certificates

The D2000 Server reads the TLS configuration each time the client is connected, so it is possible to change the configuration of the D2000 Server (including change of files with certificate and private key) during the D2000 Server runtime.

titleRelated pages:

D2000 system processes
Start parameters of processes
