Porovnávané verzie


  • Tento riadok sa pridal
  • Riadok je odstránený.
  • Formátovanie sa zmenilo.


Configuration dialog box of I/O tags consists of several parts (tabs) that contain the similar parameters. Display of particular tabs depends on the category of particular I/O tag.

General properties
Process alarms
Output control
Default value

General properties


The processing of values which are inserted into structured variable is limited. Following processing is applied:

All parameters which are to be processed (e.g. limit setting) are applied according to setting of I/O tag where the destination column is configured (i.e. "master" I/O tag). Time stamp of values inserted into column of structured variable is identical to time stamp of "master" I/O tag. Value of the "master" I/O tag and its behaviour behavior is normal, and it is not influenced byt the configuration of the destination column.


The parameter defines the command execution timeout - writing a value of the I/O tag. If the value of the parameter is different from zero and writing an I/O tag value is not confirmed during the timeout, the writing is not consider as successful and there is occurred process alarm ErrorWriteCmd if defined (the item ErrorWriteCmd in the tab Process alarms).

Output time

The parameter Use D2000 Server time allows to use the time of the computer where process D2000 Server is running as the time for output I/O tag's value. Otherwise, the time acquired by the communication with the device, is used.

The parameter Maximum step size for a change allows to limit the maximum change of value for manual contol. This limitation has the character of a recommendation and a user is able to override it.

Default value


  • Writing a verified output I/O tag is successful, if a new value of the verifying object that confirms the value written will comes within the execution timeout (the tab Output control tab). Values of the verifying object, which do not meet the condition, will not cause any action (i.e. they do not cause unsuccessful writing).
  • If the execution timeout is 0, there is waiting without limit.
  • If the execution timeout expires, writing the output I/O tag is not considered to be successful and the alarm ErrorWriteCmd occurs, if it is configured.
  • Within the execution timeout, several values of the verifying object may come. The values, which are not equal to the value written (with the Delta tolerance) do not cause the writing to be treated as unsuccessful, i.e. writing the I/O tag is unsuccessful when the execution timeout exceeds.
  • If the value of the verifying object is equal with the written value (with the Delta tolerance) of the output I/O tag when writing, the writing is acting like the verification is not enabled, i.e. does not wait for new value of the verifying object, but writing is successful immediately after sending the value to the communication (and after confirmation, if the protocol supports it)

Table: evaluation of equation and validity of the tolerance parameter Delta for various type combinations of verifying object and verified output I/O tag.


  D - logical value
I - integer value
R - real value
Ta - absolute time
Tr - relative time
Txt - text
Q - quaternary value
Verifying object Verified I/O tagDIRTaTrTxtQ
Dout (logical)equationequation *Delta   

Co (integer)equation **DeltaDelta   

Delta ***
Ao (real)Delta **DeltaDelta   

Delta ***
ToR (relative time) 


ToA (absolute time) 


TxtO (text)     



* - the value of 0 corresponds to the status B_False, the other values correspond to the status B_True
