Porovnávané verzie


  • Tento riadok sa pridal
  • Riadok je odstránený.
  • Formátovanie sa zmenilo.


  • FAG_ID - ID of FAG device, which corresponds with row index of device in SV.FAG.SmartCheck.Parameters structure.
  • JobName - Name of the job according to the configuration in the web interface.
  • Signal - Name of the signal within the job according to the configuration in the web interface.
  • CurrentValue - Measured signal value at the last measurement.
  • AlarmType - Alarm type for the signal.
    • No-Alarm - No alarm.
    • Pre-Alarm - Pre-Alarm.
    • Main-Alarm - High Alarm.
  • PreAlarmLevel - The value at which the Pre-Alarm is triggered. This value can be configured using the web interface.
  • MainAlarmLevel - The value at which the Main-Alarm is triggered. This value can be configured using the web interface.
  • PreAlarmCount - Number of Pre-Alarms for the signal.
  • MainAlarmCount - Number of Main-Alarms for the signal.

Web interface - Job configuration

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SV.FAG.SmartCheck.Alarms structure:

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If interested in this protocol, please contact the D2000 development department.
