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The Sigfox protocol is similar to LoRaWAN, and it uses different frequency bands. It uses the infrastructure built by Sigfox and its partners and messages (with a maximum payload size of 12 bytes, and a maximum frequency of 140 messages a day) are transmitted to the cloud (backend.sigfox.com) from which they can be obtained through the REST API.

The communication was tested between sensors and the Sigfox cloud using curl utility to retrieve data via https.


Communication line configuration


Configuration for LoRaWAN protocol:

  • Communication line category: SerialOverUDP Device Redundant, TCP/IP-TCP, File I/O.
  • Configuration of SerialOverUDP Device Redundant line:
    • Local port: port, where the D2000 KOM process receives UDP packets
    • Primary / Backup Device: IP address LoRaWAN gateway
      (pre Connection Type=Kerlink IoT Station SPN)
    • Port: port, where the LoRaWAN gateway receives UDP packets (currently unused, as there is no implemented record)
  • Configuration of TCP/IP-TCP line:
    • Host: IP address of server, to which the D200 KOM process connects or redundant addresses separated by a comma or semicolon
      (for Connection Type=MQTT client)
    • Port: server port, to which the D200 KOM process connects

Configuration for Sigfox protocol:

  • Configuration of File/IO line:
    • Input file: name of the directory where data (JSON files) downloaded from the Sigfox cloud will be located. A symbolic constant #APPDIR#, which specifies application directory, may be used, e.g. #APPDIR#\Sigfox_input (or #APPDIR#/Sigfox_input in case ofLinux).
    • Archive: name of the directory where data files will be moved after being processed. The KOM process will move the data files after processing to the subdirectories of this directory, which will be named according to respective stations (e.g B.Sigfox_1) and it will adds a time stamp indicating the processing time (e.g. a file msg_21FDA7.txt) may be archived as msg_21FDA7_2018-10-26 -06-26-08.txt).
      Similarly to the input file, a symbolic constant #APPDIR# may be used, e.g. #APPDIR#\Sigfox_archiv
      Note 1: Invalid files or files for which no station has been identified will be moved to the subdirectory BAD after processing.
      Note 2: If the archive directory is not specified, all files will be deleted after processing.

Communication line configuration
