AUDIT_INFO [REINIT [USER|RESGROUP]] | The command without parameters writes out the status of monitoring or storing of auditing information (see also Object Group - monitoring changes in configuration). Parameter REINIT USERS causes the writing of the current configuration of all objects of *User* type into the monitoring database. Parameter REINIT RES_GROUP causes the writing of the current configuration of necessary objects of *Object group* type into the monitoring database. In any object type is not stated in the command, both types of objects will be written into the monitoring database. | ||||||||||||
BACKUP SYSCFG path | Creates a configuration database backup in a directory specified by the path parameter (Sybase SQL Anywhere and PostgreSQL platforms). Note: The backup can be influenced by the setting of ConfigBackUpTimeout parameter. | ||||||||||||
BACKUP LOGFILE path | Creates a log database backup in the directory specified by the path parameter (Sybase SQL Anywhere and PostgreSQL platforms). | ||||||||||||
CFGSYNCHROAUTO ON/OFF | Enables/disables the automatic synchronization of configuration databases after a new SBS (standby server) is connected. Note 1: The command can be applied to the HOT server only. Note 2: The synchronization can be influenced by the setting of the parameter ConfigSynchroTimeout. | ||||||||||||
CHECK_ARCHIVE | Checks a value type consistency between the primary archive object and the archive one and shows the errors (writes it into the log). The error is if the value type of the primary archive object is different from the value type of historical value. | ||||||||||||
DEPLOY_JAVA_SHARED | If some files - the external and user libraries for Java, placed in directory %lt;appldirgt;/java/shared are changed, the D2000 Server will send these files to all running clients. | ||||||||||||
DI ON/OFF DI /E+dbginfo DI /E-dbginfo | Debug Info - shows (DI ON)/ hides (DI OFF) internal debug information of D2000 Server (in the process window and in the process D2000 Sysconsole). The command allows show/hide viewing debug information by category as the SysConsole user interface allows. Example 1: Show debug information DI /E+DBG.CFG_RQ Example 2: Hide debug information DI /E-DBG.CFG_RQ | ||||||||||||
DP ON/OFF | Debug Pipe - enables/disables the displaying of the communication of the D2000 Server with client processes (only if the D2000 Server's window is displayed on the desktop). | ||||||||||||
ENABLEAUTOSTARTPROCESSES | Since version v23.0 If the kernel was started with the /N parameter, i.e. so that it does not start processes, by calling this tell command, startup is turned on and kernel processes start. | ||||||||||||
INSTANCE SET|GET ACTIVE|PREFERRED|USABLE ... | It is used to determine and set the active instance, preferred instance, and instance mode in a load-balancing mode.
| ||||||||||||
MESSAGE Message_Text process_name | Broadcasts (sends) a text message to client processes. The process name can be entered as a mask (e.g. *.HIP - for all processes D2000 HI). If the return code is Success, it contains the number of clients, and the message from the D2000 Server was sent. | ||||||||||||
LIC_PostponeLicWrnToUsers 0 až 240 [hod], default 24 | Delay of license warnings for common users. The administrators of D2000 will get the license warning always and immediately. | ||||||||||||
LIC_DoNotAllowConsoleOverLimit 0|1, default 0 | When setting 1, the system will not allow connecting consoles (HI) over the scope of the license. | ||||||||||||
LIC_DoNotAllowSysProcOverLimit 0|1, default 0 | When setting 1, the system will not allow the system processes (CALC, EVENT, KOM,...) over the scope of the license. | ||||||||||||
RD_SET_HOT serverName | Sets the HOT server in the redundant system. The parameter serverName is the name of the server within the redundant group. | ||||||||||||
REFRESH_LICENCE | On-line refresh of the information about the license range (from file LicenceRun.code or LicenceDev.code) and information about the network clients (from file ConsolesInfo.txt). It enables changing the license range without any need to stop the system - as well as re-reading the list of network clients after it has been manually edited. Note 1: In redundant systems, it is necessary to replace the files LicenceRun.code or LicenceDev.code on all redundant servers. Note 2: In redundant systems, it is necessary to modify the file ConsolesInfo.txt only on the active (HOT) server. The changes will be transferred to all SBS servers. Note 3: The information about the license is sent to the client processes when connecting to D2000 Server. For that reason, if the change of license affects even other processes than D2000 Server, they must be restarted. For example, when a user adds a new communication protocol, it influences the D2000 CNF process. To enable this protocol in D2000 CNF, it must be restarted. Also, when adding a new communication station and I/O tags with the given protocol to the D2000 KOM process, it must be restarted. | ||||||||||||
RELOAD_PARAMS | Reloads all parameters for D2000 Server (except the parameters for saving the monitoring database to the depository) from the registry (Windows) or from the configuration file (Linux) without restarting the D2000 system. | ||||||||||||
RELOAD_SECURITY | Sets the new configuration of Security Policy without restarting the D2000 System. | ||||||||||||
REPAIR_ARCHIVE | Checks the consistency of value type between the object being archived and the historical value. If some error occurs, it will be repaired immediately and information will be written into the log. The error is if the value type of the object being archived is different from the value type of historical value. | ||||||||||||
REPOSITORY INIT [path] | Initialize the path to the repository. If the directory does not exist, a new one will be created. If there is a repository on a given path, this one will be used for storing object history. History capturing must be disabled. | ||||||||||||
REPOSITORY DISCONNECT | Remove the setup path to the repository. History capturing must be disabled. | ||||||||||||
REPOSITORY ON|OFF | Enable/disable history capturing. A path to the repository must be set. | ||||||||||||
RESTART process_name | Stops the given process and then starts it correctly. Note: If the process is stopped (Stop or Crash status), the command just starts it. | ||||||||||||
SET_LOAD_BAL_MODE | Activates/deactivates Load balancing mode for D2000 Archiv (see the chapter Redundant archiving - Load balancing) or D2000 Kom (see the chapter Redundancy of communication process KOM) processes. Example: SET_LOAD_BAL_MODE SELF.ARC 1 - activates Load balancing mode for SELF.ARC process. SET_LOAD_BAL_MODE SELF.KOM 1 - activates Load balancing mode for SELF.KOM process. | ||||||||||||
SHOW_ACCESS_LIST | The command writes the list of the names registered by the GETACCESS action within the application (with the keyword PUBLIC) into the text console and to the log file (kernel.log) of the D2000 Server process. Example: | ||||||||||||
SHOW_ARC_STAT process_name | Shows the statistical information about the running instances of the archive - the maximum number and sum of the read requests that are being processed. | ||||||||||||
SHOW_CONFIG | Shows configuration information of the process D2000 Server. This information covers:
| ||||||||||||
SHOW_DYN_INFO object_name or HOBJ | Shows dynamic information on the specified object (list of objects that dynamically or statically use the object) on the text console of the D2000 Server process. | ||||||||||||
SHOW_DYNO_LIST idFirst idLast | The command dumps the list of current dynamic objects (ID and object name) to the text console of the process based on the defined interval. Note: The command is mainly intended for diagnostic purposes. | ||||||||||||
SHOW_TRANS_LIST | Lists internal transactions of the D2000 system. Note: The command is intended to be used mainly for the D2000 System diagnostic purposes. | ||||||||||||
SHUTDOWN D2000 | Stops the D2000 system. | ||||||||||||
SHUTDOWN RESTART_D2000 | Restarts the D2000 system. | ||||||||||||
SHUTDOWN RESTART | Stops the D2000 system and restarts the operating system. | ||||||||||||
SHUTDOWN SHUTDOWN | Stop the D2000 system and shutdowns the operating system. | ||||||||||||
SHUTDOWN WINNT | Stops D2000 System and restarts the operating system. | ||||||||||||
START process_name | Starts the specified process. | ||||||||||||
STDOUT output | The command redirects the standard output to a new output specified by output. Example: | ||||||||||||
STOP process_name [FORCE] | It stops a process. When using the optional parameter FORCE, the termination of the process will be forced. | ||||||||||||
*SUSPEND* SLEEP [WAKEUP yyyy-mm-ddThh:mi:ssZ]|HIBERNATE | It causes the operating system to switch into sleep mode (SLEEP) or hibernation (HIBERNATE). If the OS switches into sleep mode, the user may define a time of its automatic awakening by the parameter WAKEUP yyyy-mm-ddThh:mi:ssZ, where yyyy-mm-ddThh:mi:ssZ defines UTC time of awakening. The string must be in ISO 8601 format ( Example: *SUSPEND SLEEP WAKEUP 2015-02-11T12:00Z* - causes putting the computer to sleep and automatic awakening at noon, February 11th, 2015 (UTC). | ||||||||||||
TCP_NO_DELAY process_name|process_mask [FALSE|TRUE|QUERY] | It enables, disables, or queries the delay of data transfer between the D2000 Server process and the client connected via TCP/IP protocol. Setting the parameter TCP_NO_DELAY to TRUE disables TCP delay before sending TCP packets (setsockopt function with parameter TCP_NODELAY - see Nagle's algorithm). The delay improves the efficiency of TCP/IP networks by reducing the number of packets that need to be sent over the network. On the other hand, if the communicating partners wait for each other's response (e.g. remote procedure calls between two EVENT processes or between HI and EVENT), this delay can significantly slow down the execution of scripts and other interactions. By default, TCP delay is on (TCP_NO_DELAY = FALSE). This TELL command is intended only for tuning and debugging purposes. Note 1: When registering a TCP/IP client, the process D2000 Server queries the value of parameter TCP_NO_DELAY, and, depending on this value, it does or does not change the parameter TCP_NO_DELAY for client connection. This value is then sent to the client, which also changes the TCP_NODELAY parameter of its TCP connection to the server. Warning: In the current implementation, the TCP_NO_DELAY command does not cause any change in the setting on the client's side! Note 2: Besides the TCP_NO_DELAY parameter, there is also another parameter that influences sending TCP delayed acknowledgements (it can be set on OpenVMS and *nix system by calling sysconfig -r inet tcpnodelack). This parameter induces a 200 ms delay before sending TCP acknowledgements and it can interact with the TCP_NODELAY parameter. | ||||||||||||
XML_EXPORT_TABLE | The configuration parts exported to the XML files, which is not part of the object configuration. The parameters: [Path, FileName, TableName].
Warning: Extension ".xml" is added automatically, do not explicitly specify it. | ||||||||||||
XML_IMPORT | Warning: This command is not supported for OpenVMS. XML file(s) import of a specific file or of all XML files from specified directory, depending on path_to_dir / path_to_file parameter: path_to_dir - directory name with XML files (eg D:\temp). Note - the directory is searched for xml files recursively. path_to_file - absolute path to the XML file (eg D:\temp\H.Sec.xml) For this TELL command to be executed, a configuration key must be present!. The path for the file import on VMS should be entered in Unix format. Note: The command belongs to the "security" TELL commands. I.e., it can be activated only from interactive processes with configuration key or from process D2000 Event Handler. | ||||||||||||
XML_IMPORT_TABLE | Import of the configuration parts that are not part of the object configuration from XML files. The parameter [Path, FileName, TableName[, CleanTable]]
The initialization of the TELL command is conditioned by using the configuration key. Note: The command belongs to the "security" TELL commands. I.e., it can be activated only from interactive processes with configuration key or from process D2000 Event Handler. | ||||||||||||
XML_Update | Partial update of the objects by XML from the directory, which is defined by parameter Path. The parameter: [path_to_dir / path_to_file] Note: The command belongs to the "security" TELL commands. I.e., it can be activated only from interactive processes with configuration key or from process D2000 Event Handler. |
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