The process D2000 System Console is one of the D2000 client processes. The process provides the interaction of a person (system operator) with the D2000 system.

The D2000 System Console process allows you to:

  • view relations among servers and redundant groups,
  • show and control the states of servers within a redundant group,
  • show the text output of servers and processes,
  • view messages among servers and processes,
  • send Tell commands to servers and processes.

Note 1: If the user wants to browse a text output from the D2000 process in D2000 System Console, there must exist TCP connectivity from the workstation with running the D2000 process to the workstation with running D2000 System Console. The reason for this is that D2000 System Console opens a TCP port (not fixed but allocated by OS), to which the D2000 process is connected. Then, the D2000 process sends its text output through this TCP connection. It means that if D2000 System Console is on a different network than the D2000 process and there is a firewall between them, the firewall must contain this rule (in symbolic format) PERMIT TCP HOST <IP_address_of_server_with_process> HOST <IP_addres_of_workstation_with_Sysconsole>.

To get around this limitation, newer versions of D2000 have an option in the Settings menu called Establish direct TCP/IP connection for remote console viewing. If checked, TCP connectivity is required as described above. If unchecked (see figure below), messages are transmitted from the respective D2000 process via the D2000 Server to the D2000 System Console.

Note 2: D2000 System Console uses a maximum of 2 IP addresses to send UDP multicasts, which are used to discover D2000 Servers in local networks. These IP addresses are discovered automatically.

On computers with more than two IP addresses, the first two IP addresses found are used, therefore, for the sake of clarity, we recommend setting the parameters IpAddr1 and IpAddr2 on such computers.

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