GETOLDVAL remoteTagName "BeginTime" ["EndTime"] [NORECALC]

GETOLDVAL remoteObjectMask "BeginTime" ["EndTime"] [NORECALC]

GETOLDVAL "remoteTagName[row]^item" "BeginTime" ["EndTime"] [NORECALC]

Reads the values of the remote tag within a specified interval. If the EndTime parameter is not specified, the current time will be used as the default value.
The time format ("BeginTime", "EndTime") is "dd-mm-yyyy hh:mi:ss".

The command may be used for example after a failure or stoppage of the application, which the D2000 GateWay Client process belongs to. It allows transferring the values from the archive of the remote application to the archive of the application. The only requirement of the value transfer is that the values of corresponding objects have been stored in the archive of the remote application.

The first form of the command reads all values transferred by specified remote tags (as well as structured objects).

The second form of the command reads all the values of several objects according to the mask.

The third form reads the values of a part of the structured object. The parameter item specifies a column of the destination structure (see the Destination structure parameter in the configuration of the remote tag) and it must be specified within quotes. When a single row (column) needs to be read, use the following:

  • reading row 10 - GETOLDVAL "RemoteTagName[10]" …
  • reading the column named Values - GETOLDVAL "RemoteTagName[0]^Values" …

The TELL command must always be executed in the transaction mode - the COMMAND action (within the D2000 System Console process, the command is automatically executed in the transaction mode). After the command is executed, the values that were transferred will be stored in the archive and the D2000 Archive automatically recalculates corresponding statistics.

The NORECALC parameter can be set at the end of the GETOLDVAL. In this case, the statistic calculations will not be executed by the D2000 Archiv process.


Debug Info for remote objects - enables/disables displaying the information about processing the values of objects with specified HOBJ or with the name matching the given mask.

Note: if the gateway client is run in a transparent gateway mode, use the TRGTW command to display debug information.

Shows dynamic information on the specified remote object(s) on the text console of the process D2000 Gateway.
Note: The command is mainly used for D2000 system diagnostic purposes.
TRGTWDebug command for transparent gateway mode. The command lists the names of objects and their HOBJ on the local and remote systems.
START_RECORD dir_name_only [begin_time] end_time

Starts recording of values read from the GateWay Server. For details see the command description for the D2000 KOM process.

Note: Replaying of recorded values by the D2000 KOM process is possible if the GateWay Client was running in a transparent gateway mode during the recording.


Instantly stops recording of values read from the GateWay Server. For details see the command description for the D2000 KOM process.

START_REPLAY dir_name_only [begin_time [/NOW]]
START_REPLAY dir_name_only /LOOP
Starts replaying of data recorded by command START_RECORD. For details see the command description for the D2000 KOM process.
STOP_REPLAYInstantly stops the replaying of data. For details see the command description for the D2000 KOM process.
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