%HI_SetBrowserItemImage, %HI_GetBrowserItemImage functions

The function %HI_SetBrowserItemImage sets a bitmap to display for cell of the Browser displayer. The bitmap is characterized by object of Bitmap type (control function).

The function %HI_GetBrowserItemImage gets back the identifier of bitmap (HOBJ) for the cell of Browser displayer.
   INT in refId,
   INT in row,
   INT in col,
   HBJ in refToBitmap
 HBJ %HI_GetBrowserItemImage(
   INT in refId,
   INT in row,
   INT in col
refIdReference to the displayer (reference variable).
rowRow of the cell (from 1 to ...).
colColumn of the cell (from 1 to ...).
refToBitmapReference to object of Bitmap type.
If the parameter row = 0, the bitmap will be set/get for whole column col.
If the parameter col = 0, the bitmap will be set/get for whole row row.
If both row and col = 0, the bitmap will be set/get for whole displayer.
Note 2
To use this function it is necessary to enable the bitmap display (parameter Enable icons) in the Browser displayer.
 ; setting of the bitmap for whole displayer
 %HI_SetBrowserItemImage(_browser, 0, 0, PIC.BMP\HBJ)
 ; setting of the bitmap for column No. 3
 %HI_SetBrowserItemImage(_browser, 0, 3, PIC.BMP\HBJ)
 ; setting of the bitmap for cell [2,3]
 %HI_SetBrowserItemImage(_browser, 2, 3, PIC.BMP\HBJ)

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