ArchView - Workbook configuration
The configuration includes a definition of archive blocks and views.
Archive block represents a group of consecutive archive values of an archive object in a time. It is define by:
- Name of archive block
- Name of archive object
- Begin time and end time
- Time steps
Name of archive block is required logical name. It consists of prefix "ArchB" and a number from 1…. A usage of block name is mentioned in the chapter User functions.
Name of archive object is required and the same as name of D2000 object.
Begin time and end time defines a time interval for reading the archive values. In table for definition of archive blocks, Begin time is in column "C". It is a sum of time in „BT“ cell (usually B3 cell) and a relative time shift in days BT_OFF (H column) and in hours BT_OFF_TIME (I column).
End time is in E column. Its value is:
- the value in ET cell (B4 cell) (if value "YES" is in the column D (After ET),
- sum of begin time of archive block (column C), relative shift in days ET_OFF (column J) and relative shift in hours ET_OFF_TIME (column K) (if "NO" is in the column D (After ET)).
Time step is used when reading the values from archive. If it is 0, all values from the defined time interval will be read in archive block. If it is different from 0 (is defined), data will be read with a time step - resampling.
After entering the definition of archive block and clicking on button , the reading and checking of declaration sheet will be executed. A result (success) of reading the archive block is in the column Status of block (column G) and column L. If everything is OK, the column Status of block contains a text Included. Column L contains the begin time of archive block.
View defines the way and position to display data included in the archive block. Its definition follows the definition of archive block. The column Vies (A) contains the required word View. In the column Type of information (B), you can choose one of the following item:
- VALUE -value
- TIME - archiving time
- LIMITS -limits for value
- FLAGS -user flags
- ARCST -archive flags
They define the type of information that will be displayed in the cell.
Display area defines an area in which the values will be displayed (e.g.: =View!A6:A16).
User function contains the name of user function and the parameters separated by semicolon (see the chapter User functions).
The table is intended for formatting the displayed values: .
After filling the table and clicking on button , the is the column Status of block shows the information about the success (or failure) of reading the configuration table. If successful, the values will be displayed on the proper position.
You can define several views for one archive block (listed consecutively).
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