SENDPGMSG communication utility
Return codes
Changes and modifications
Document revisions
The SENDPGMSG program allows to send pager messages to POCSAG standard pagers via CONTAL TeleCall TR100 stations.
Command line parameters:
sendpgmsg TO: PAGER_NR[,PAGER_NR] [-p PORT] [-b BAUDRATE] [-i INDEX] [-t MSGTYPE] [-d] ["MESSAGE"]
Parameter | Meaning |
TO: PAGER_NR[,PAGER_NR] | Number of the pager, to which the message is to be sent. You can define up to 5 numbers comma-separated. |
[-p PORT] | Serial communication port given in form of COMx (e.g. COM2). Default value: COM1. |
[-b BAUDRATE] | Baud rate between PC and TeleCall TR100 station. It can be either 9600 or 19200 Bauds. Default value: 19200 Bauds. |
[-i INDEX] | Index of the message to send. Pager usually allows to notify an incoming message in various ways according the message index (ringing, discrete ringing, vibrating, ...). Possible values are within 0..3. Default value: 0. |
[-t MSGTYPE] | Message types:
[-d] | Enables the debug mode of the program. The program lists information on communication with TeleCall station. |
["MESSAGE"] | Message to sent. |
Return codes
Return code | Meaning |
0 | OK, error-free message transmission. |
1 | Incorrect or missing parameter, the program lists the error specification. |
2 | Serial port error (doesn't exist, busy, etc). |
3 | TeleCall station doesn't response (is not switched on or is connected to another port, or uses other Baud rate). |
4 | Error in communication with TeleCall station. The program lists the error specification. |
5 | Message was sent to TeleCall station, but transmission confirmation has not been received. |
Changes and modifications
Document revisions
- Ver. 1.0 – November 13th, 2001 – document creation.
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