KomUniVal structure
struct KomUniVal { unsigned short uvStatus; TLimitStatus uvLimitStatus; unsigned int uvProcAlarmStatus; TValueType uvValType; unsigned short uvFlags; D2Time uvValTime; D2Time uvProcAlarmTime; TBVal uvBoval; int uvIntval; double uvRealval; TStVal uvStationval; D2Time uvTmAval; double uvTmRval; TQVal uvQval; char *uvTxtval; };
Structure KomUniVal transfers a value and status of D2000 system object (I/O tag, station, line). The meaning of individual items of the structure:
It can get a combination of the following values:
#define SB_Val_Valid 0x0001 #define SB_Pa_Alarm 0x0002 #define SB_Pa_NoAck 0x0004 #define SB_Pa_Blocked 0x0008 #define SB_Val_Weak 0x0010 #define SB_Val_NoAck 0x0020 #define SB_Val_Transient 0x0040 #define SB_Val_Default 0x0080 #define SB_Val_Manual 0x0100 #define SB_Pa_Critical 0x0200
Implementation of a communication protocol can change the following values for objects of I/O tag type:
- SB_Val_Valid – validity of I/O tag value
- SB_Val_Weak – I/O tag value is suspicious (weak)
Other values are changed internally by the communication process.
typedef enum {LS_InLimit, LS_VL_Limit, LS_L_Limit, LS_H_Limit, LS_VH_Limit, LS_LimitsProblem} TLimitStatus;
The parameter marks limit states of I/O tag value. Implementation of a protocol sets up this parameter only in case of the value ST_SOURCE_LIMITS of the parameter Stat call-back of the function PointNewValue.
Possible values:
- LS_InLimit - value is in limits
- LS_VL_Limit - value is below the lowest limit (only for the I/O tag types Ai, Ao, Ci, Co)
- LS_L_Limit - value is below the low limit (only for the I/O tag types Ai, Ao, Ci, Co)
- LS_H_Limit - value is above the high limit (only for the I/O tag types Ai, Ao, Ci, Co)
- LS_VH_Limit - value is above the highest limit (only for the I/O tag types Ai, Ao, Ci, Co)
- LS_LimitsProblem - limits problem (crossing the values or a dynamic limit value is invalid)
Process alarms attributes. Implementation of a protocol must not change this parameter.
typedef enum {VT_NAN, VT_Bo, VT_Int, VT_Re, VT_Di, VT_Do, VT_De, VT_Ai, VT_Ao, VT_Ae, VT_Ci, VT_Co, VT_Ce, VT_St, VT_Li, VT_Al, VT_Pr, VT_TmA, VT_TmR, VT_TiA, VT_ToA, VT_TiR, VT_ToR, VT_Txt, VT_Arr, VT_Qi, VT_Unused1, VT_TxtI, VT_TxtO} TValueType;
Object value type. The important types for communication:
- VT_Ai - real input
- VT_Ao - real output
- VT_Ci - integer input
- VT_Co - integer output
- VT_Di - digital input
- VT_Do - digital output
- VT_TiA - absolute time input
- VT_ToA - absolute time output
- VT_TiR - relative time input
- VT_ToR - relative time output
- VT_Qi - quaternary input
- VT_TxtI - text input
- VT_TxtO - text output
This value must not be changed!
#define VF_A 0x0001 #define VF_B 0x0002 #define VF_C 0x0004 #define VF_D 0x0008 #define VF_E 0x0010 #define VF_F 0x0020 #define VF_G 0x0040 #define VF_H 0x0080 #define VF_I 0x0100 #define VF_J 0x0200 #define VF_K 0x0400 #define VF_L 0x0800 #define VF_M 0x1000 #define VF_N 0x2000 #define VF_O 0x4000 #define VF_P 0x8000
Implementation can optionally sets up combinations of 16 flags ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP of I/O value. Values of the flags are from VF_A up to VF_P.
Current time of current value.
Current time of the last change of process alarms flag. Do not change!
Current value of digital input or output Di and Do.
- D_False - FALSE
- D_True - TRUE
- D_Oscillate - oscillating value – do not set, it is analyzed and set by the process D2000 KOM!
Current value of integer input or output Ci and Co.
Current value of real input or output Ai and Ao.
Station status – not used, do not change!
Current value of absolute time input and output TiA and ToA.
Current value of relative time input an output TiR and ToR.
Current value of quadrat input Qi.
typedef enum {Q_Trans, Q_Off, Q_On, Q_Err, Q_Oscillate} TQVal;
Possible values are Q_Trans, Q_Off, Q_On, Q_Err or Q_Oscillate. Do not use the value Q_Oscillate, it is set by the process D2000 KOM in case of evaluation of oscillation.
Pointer to a string of current value of text types TxtI a TxtO.
Note: The communication process allocates its own copies of text variables' values after calling the function PointNewValue.
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