Interval for logging the system

In case that no predefined time period is suitable to log the system event (last hour, last 8 hours, etc.), user can define his/her own interval.

To set an user defined time interval

  1. Select the Exactly radio button in the System Logging - Settings dialog box.
  2. The following dialog box allowing the user to define a time interval is opened.
  3. Dialog box for definition of a new time interval


  4. In the calendar (1), select the required month and year of the time interval beginning (click the items showing year and month). The red item (4) shows the current date.
  5. In the calendar (2) select the required month and year of the time interval end.
  6. In the calendar (1) click a day - the time interval beginning and hold down the mouse button.
  7. In the calendar (2) click a day - the time interval end and release the mouse button.
  8. Time interval may be also defined in the input fields (3) showing required time parameters (3).
  9. To confirm your settings click the OK button.

Time interval within one month can be defined in one of the calendars.

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