Optional parameter - identifier of the item, after
which you want to add new item. If the value is 0, the item will be
inserted as the last one (as well as the
parameter is not defined). If the value is -1, the item will be
inserted as first one.
The function adds the item to the tree view defined by the
parameter refId. Each item is identified by a integer value, that is
entered when the item is added. Therefore there can be defined the same
identifier for two items.
The parameter itemText defines the text displayed within the
The parameter parentHandle determines the parent item of the added
item. If the parameter is 0, the added item is a root item.
The function adds the new item to the end of current level (level is given
by the parameter parentHandle). If you need to add the item after any
of existing ones, you must define the item by the parameter insertAfterHandle.
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