Calculation of statistical archive function for all specified item intervals.
CALCSTATFUNCARR archIdent, bt_TmA, et_TmA, step, deepTime, statFuncIdent_Int, validPercIdent_Int, paramIdent, locVarColValueIdent_Rec, statusIdent_Int

archIdent in Reference to one value of historical value or reference to object, values of which have been archived.

Warning: If the parameter is the reference to an object archived several times, there is not specified which one of the historical objects is to be used.
bt_TmA in Identifier of AbsTime type - interval beginning.
et_TmA in Identifier of AbsTime type - interval end.
step in Identifier of Int type - time step [s].

Note: the parameter must be a positive integer.
deepTime in Identifier of Int type - time depth [s] for calculating the statistics.

Note: The parameter must be a positive integer.
statFunctIdent_Int in Identifier of Int type - statistical function type.
validPercIdent_Int in Identifier of Int type - validation criteria.
paramIdent in Identifier of Int or Real types - parameter for some types of functions.
locVarColValueIdent_Rec out Reference to a column of structured variable of Record type - result values.
statusIdent_Int out Calculation (action) success.
archivInstance_Int in Optional identifier of Int type - identification of archive instance. If the parameter is not defined, the value 0 will replace it.

The action executes the calculation of the statistical function specified by the parameter statFuncIdent_Int on the values represented by the historical value archIdent for the following time intervals specified by the parameter bt_TmA, et_TmA, step and deepTime:
  • first time interval - <bt_TmA - deepTime; bt_TmA>
  • second time interval - <bt_TmA + step - deepTime; bt_TmA + step>
  • .....
  • n-th time interval - <bt + (N-1)*step - deepTime; bt + (N-1)*step>
Timestamp of the result for a certain time interval is identical with the end time of the time interval. After the action is executed, calculation results are to be filled into the given column of the local variable specified by the parameter locVarColValueIdent_Rec.

The parameter statusIdent_Int gets one of the following values:
Set of implemented functions is identical with the functions, which may be configured for statistical archive (except the FILTER a ECOAVG functions). For individual functions, there are predefined local constants in ESL.

The parameter validPerctIdent_Int represents Validation criteria used during the evaluation of the statistical function. It can get values within 1 .. 100 (the error ERR_RANGE_ERROR occurs if the condition is broken).

For some of the statistical archive function, the parameter paramIdent must be specified according to the table:

Statistical function Parameter description
_STAT_F_INTEGRAL Integral time units. For individual types, there are also established predefined local variables according to the table:
Constant Description
_INTEGRAL_MINUNIT Minute integral
_INTEGRAL_SECUNIT Second integral
Compare value

For the other statistical archive function, the parameter paramIdent is not being evaluated.

Value of parameter archivInstance_Int defines the instance of archive which executes the request. If the parameter is not defined (or the value is 0), the active instance of archive will execute the request.
Calculation of the weighted floating average of the values within the range of 2 hours.

 TIME _bt
 TIME _et
 INT _step
 INT _deepTime
 REAL _retCode
 INT  _idx
 RECORD NOALIAS (SD.Data) _statData
 _bt := %StrToTime("0:00:00 16-11-2006")
 _et := %StrToTime("0:00:00 17-11-2006")
 _step := 3600         ; value for each hour
 _deepTime := 2*_step  ; floating average, time depth of 2 hours
 CALCSTATFUNCARR H.Col[1], _bt, _et, _step, _deepTime, _STAT_F_WGAVG, 100, 0, _statData^Value, _retCode
   ; calculation done, browsing result values
      FOR _idx=1 TO _statData\DIM DO_LOOP
     ; _statData[_idx]^Value - value
   ; an error occurred

Using the action CALCSTATFUNC does not allow to evaluate the FILTER and ECOAVG statistical functions.

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