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%XML_OpenDocument function

The function reads defined XML document from the disk.
INT %XML_OpenDocument(
    TEXT in fileName, 
    BOOL in validate
   TEXT in features := ""[,
   BOOL in preserveWhitespace := @TRUE]]

fileName Name of XML file on disk.
validate @TRUE - XML document validation (if the XML document contains DTD).
@FALSE - no XML document validation (if the XML document contains DTD).
features Optional parameter of Text type which allows to change default values of SAX Parser´s some parameters and to influence its behaviour and also the content of loaded document in memory.
The parameters are recorded in pairs - name and numerical value. The parts are separated by blank space.
If the value is 0 (zero) the parameter is disabled.
If user write the invalid name of parameter it does not mean an error.
A complete list of parameters is mentioned here

The actual version supports following two parameters:

True Perform namespace processing: prefixes will be stripped off element and attribute names and replaced with the corresponding namespace URIs. By default, the two will simply be concatenated, but the namespace-sep core property allows the application to specify a delimiter string for separating the URI part and the local part.  
False Do not perform namespace processing.
Default true
Note If the validation feature is set to true, then the document must contain a grammar that supports the use of namespaces.


True Report the original prefixed names and attributes used for namespace declarations.  
False Do not report attributes used for Namespace declarations, and optionally do not report original prefixed names.
Default false
preserveFeatures @TRUE - text nods containing so-called white signs will remain as they were in XML document.
@FALSE - text nods containing so-called whit signs will be ignored when the document is parsed.

Return value
Handle to opened XML document. If document is not opened, the return value will be invalid.
The function reads the given XML document from the disk and  returns its handle.

The following character encodings of the XML document are supported:
  • UTF-8
  • UTF-16
  • ISO-8859-1
  • Latin1
  • ISO-8859-2
  • Latin2
  • ISO-8859-3
  • ISO-8859-4
  • WINDOWS-1250

 INT _doc
 _doc := %XML_OpenDocument("c:\data.xml", @TRUE)

Example 2
Opening of XML document with parameter ( of SAX Parser:
 TEXT _features
 _features := " 1"
 _hXML := %XML_OpenDocument (_fileName, @FALSE, _features)

If the parameter namespace-prefixes is set, xmlns* attributes will not be ignored at XML document reading. This XML file was read with enabled parameter

Demo of XML

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