!!! WARNING: Process D2000 SysEdit is not supported from Version 7.2 and later !!!

Each object of D2000 system has its parent within the frame of the object architecture. Parent object is defined during the object configuration in processes D2000 CNF or D2000 SysEdit. The off-line configuration process - D2000 SysEdit allows to change parent for selected objects. Process D2000 CNF do not allow this intervention into the system.

Clicking the item Parent Change from the menu Objects opens the following dialog box.

Change parent

1 Select a new parent for selected objects.
2 Select object, for which you want to change the parent object.

New parent

Name of new parent object for all the selected object listed in List of objects. Clicking the button placed right from this input field (1) opens the list of D2000 system objects which allows to select a parent.

List of objects

List of objects, for which you assign a new parent object in the input field New parent. Parent can be changed only for object of some types. The overview of these types shows the following table.

Object type Parent object type
Eval tag Process D2000 Calc (*.CLC)
Event Process D2000 Event Handler (*.EVH)
Historical value Process D2000 Archiv (*.ARC)
I/O tag Object of Station type
Line Process D2000 KOM (*.KOM)
Logical group Object of Logical group type or the object LOGGROUP (of System type)
Remote tag Process D2000 GateWay Client (*.GTW)
Station Object of Line type
User variable The object USER_VAR (of System type) or a process D2000 Event Handler (*.EVH)

Change of object parent for selected objects is executed by clicking the Apply button.

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