; =================================================================
; Slovakia (country for this example)
; Time zone is UTC+1.
; There are summer [A] and winter [B] time (with time shifts).
; Summer time is from 29th March, 2009 to 24th October, 2009.
; A3:00:00 is changed to B2:00:00 on Sunday (25th October, 2009).
; =================================================================
TIME _timeA
TIME _timeB
TIME _baseTime
REAL _subMono1
REAL _subMono2
; UTC 00:30:00 25.10.2009
_timeA := %StrToTimeEx("A2:30:00 25.10.2009", "hh:mi:ss dd-mm-rrrr")
; UTC 01:30:00 25.10.2009
_timeB := %StrToTimeEx("B2:30:00 25.10.2009", "hh:mi:ss dd-mm-rrrr")
; UTC 23:30:00 24.10.2009
_baseTime := %StrToTimeEx("01:30:00 25.10.2009", "hh:mi:ss dd-mm-rrrr")
; ; difference 1 hour(s) (3600 seconds)
_subMono1 := %SubTimesMono(_timeA, _baseTime)
; difference 2 hour(s) (7200 seconds)
_subMono2 := %SubTimesMono(_timeB, _baseTime)
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