Monotonous time Time which is immune to any jumps into past or future, it flows monotonously.
UTC (Coordinated Universal Time) UTC is the synonym of GMT (Greenwich Mean Time). This time was adopted as prime time according to a meridian passing through the Greenwich (England).
UTC time is monotonous.

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Local time (time)) It is UTC plus the current time zone offset for the considered location (in hours). It takes into consideration also the advance from standard time to daylight saving time (summer time) and backward.

For example, Slovakia has UTC+1, which is winter time (CET) and in summer (CEST) the time is advanced by one hour ahead. Time is advanced on last Sunday in March, from 2:00 to 3:00 morning. Backward the time is advanced on last Sunday in October, from 3:00 to 2:00.
It means, that at shift of local time to UTC is necessary to deduct 1 hour in winter time and 2 hours in summer time.

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