Direct entry of filter definition

In the system, there are defined some rules for logical expression representing a selection filter. Logical expression, either simple or compound, comprises two basic parts:

Identifiers represent identification of configuration parameters of D2000 system object (e.g. NAME as object name, VALTYP as object value type, OBJTYP as object type, VHL as the highest limit etc.).

Logical expression can include three types of operators logical, relational and special operators of the attribute OBJECT. The overview of the operators is listed in the following tables.

Logical operators

AND logical AND
OR logical OR

Relational operators

= equal
/= other than
<= less or equal
< less
>= greater or equal
> greater

Operators of the attribute OBJECT

Selection includes just the objects, which are used in the object OBJECTA, or the object OBJECTA depends on them.
Selection includes the objects, which depend on the object OBJECTA, or the object OBJECTA is used in them.
Selection includes all the objects, which are not used.

Combined expressions consist of several simple expressions separated by logical operators (AND or OR). In combined brackets, there can be used the brackets „(“ and „)”, which determine the priority when the expression is evaluating.

The following special characters can be used during definition of individual attributes in selection filters.

Character Meaning
* Substitutes arbitrary number of characters
? Substitutes just one character
[] Allows to enter several characters (comma separated), which can be occur on particular position
^ Negation - can be used only within square brackets

Using the mentioned characters is shown in the table.

Filter In the list, there will be displayed …
T1* All the objects, names of which begin with the string "T1".
??K_COx* All the objects, names of which contain the string "K_COx" placed after the second character from the left in the object name.
K[1,2,3]* All the objects, names of which begin with the character "K", and their second character in the name is "1" or "2" or "3".
*[^8] All the objects, names of which do not end with the character "8".

Selection window