%From_String function

The function converts a string of Status text into its value. It is inverse function to %To_String function.
UNIVAL %From_String(
  TEXT in _stTextVal,
  HBJ in _stTextHbj[,
  INT in lngIdx = -1 | TEXT in lngName]

stTextVal Text value of Status text.
stTextHbj Reference to object of Status text type.
lngIdx Language identifier. If it is not stated or it is of value -1, then the current language is used.
lngName Text language identifier - name of language. Optional parameter, default=0

If it is specified and it is of the INT type, then:

  • -1 - current language set by logged in user,
  • 0 - does not use a dictionary,
  • >0 - index of existing language.

If it is specified and it is of the TEXT type, then it is considered to be a text identifier of language - name of language.

Return value
The return value is the Status text value which the specific string is defined for.
If there is more values with the same string for one Status text, value of the first string will be returned!
 TEXT _text
 INT _value
 _text := %To_String(61, NovyStavovyText\HBJ)
 _value := %From_String("Piaty Text",NovyStavovyText\HBJ)
 _value1 := %From_String("Piaty Text",NovyStavovyText\HBJ, 1)
 _value2 := %From_String("Piaty Text",NovyStavovyText\HBJ, "1")
 _ivalue3:= %From_String("Piaty Text",NovyStavovyText\HBJ, "Slk")