D2000 system utilities

The topic contains the information on D2000 system utilities.

Change parent Offline change of parent.
CheckSQL Tests databases after a "hard" system failure.
D2000 Ping Tests a connection and communication of system D2000 client with process D2000 Server.
D2Archive Compresses and decompresses the archives *.d2a.
d2u_service Enables to a user without the rights to write into installation and application directory to make updates.
d2u_client Updates both the installation and application directories compared to FTP server and starts a required process.
d2u_reload Used by both d2u_service and d2u_client utilities to update themselves.
d2u_snapshot Creates a file content.xml in the current folder.
ESL profiler Provides the information acquisition about the running of ESL script actions and their saving into CSV files.
SCS Config Creates and performs management tasks for a pair of services - the utility StartCli and the D2000 system process monitored by the utility StartCli.
lickeyinfo.exe It is used to display / check the status of D2000 licence.
StartCli Automatically runs and monitors D2000 system processes which cannot be run and monitored directly by the process D2000 Server.
StartExcel Automatic (periodic) exports.
StartProject Runs the program MS Project, opens a document (*.mpp) and runs a macro with parameters (if available).
StartWord Runs the program MS Word, opens a document (*.doc) and runs a macro with parameters (if available).