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« Predchádzajúce Verzia 6 Aktuálny »

Configuration of communication line of TCP/IP-UDP category.

Line of category TCP/IP-UDP was designed for the needs of communication protocols that are built directly on the UDP layer of the TCP/IP stack. It enables also the implementation of redundant communication (redundant network lines, redundant network interfaces) and the configuration of two IP addresses of a communication partner.
The following protocols are currently supported:

TCP/IP-UDP line configuration

Primary server - Host

IP address or a network name of a computer. Depending on a specific communication protocol, it may be an IP address of a computer where the D2000 KOM process is running (in this case a symbolic IP address ALL, representing all network interfaces where the D2000 KOM process can listen, can be entered). This is true for protocols:

In other communication protocols, this is an IP address of a partner computer, with which the D2000 KOM process communicates. This is true for protocols:

Primary server - Port

Either the number of UDP port on which the D2000 KOM process should listen or the UDP port number on which a partner computer listens (see the description of parameter Primary server - Host).

Use Backup server

If this option is not selected, the D2000 KOM process does not work with a backup IP address/port and the line works without redundancy.

Backup server - Host

Backup IP address or network name of a computer. Depending on a specific communication protocol, it may be an IP address of a computer where the D2000 KOM process is running (see the description of parameter Primary server - Host).

Backup server - Port

Either the number of a backup UDP port on which the D2000 KOM process should listen or a backup UDP port number on which a partner computer listens (see the description of parameter Backup server - Host).

Currently, the backup server parameters are supported in the protocols SNMPMicrotel 700, and Terminal LFC (IEC 870-5).

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