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SENDINMC communication utility

Return codes
Default configuration files
Changes and modifications
Document revisions


The sendinmc.exe program is used for sending data messages via INMARSAT-C satellite terminal.


Command line parameters: 

sendinmc [-E] [-T] [-F] [-p Port] [-C cnffile] [TO: address] ["message"] [-M messfile]

Parameter Meaning
[-E] Parameter for sending an e-mail. If the parameter [-C cnffile] is not defined, the default configuration file cnfmail.txt is automatically being searched in the work directory.*
[-T] Parameter for sending a message to a terminal. If the parameter [-C cnffile] is not defined, the default configuration file cnfterm.txt is automatically being searched in the work directory.*
[-F] Parameter for sending a fax message. If the parameter [-C cnffile] is not defined, the default configuration file cnffax.txt is automatically being searched in the work directory.*
[-p Port] Serial port, to which the INMARSAT-C is connected. If the parameter is not defined, there will be used COM1.
[-C cnffile] Configuration file for sending data.
[TO: address] Address (e-mail, or several e-mails comma-separated, telephone number, fax number, terminal number).
["message"] Message to send (e-mail, fax, data for terminal). If a sequence \n is in the message, the sequence will be replaced by the characters CR and LF.
[-M messfile] Message to sent is stored in the file messfile.

* - The parameters -E, -T or -F can't be defined, but there must be defined a configuration file using the parameter -C.

For sending a message, there must be defined either the parameter message or -M messfile. Parameters are evaluated from the left to the right.

Return codes

Return code Meaning
0 OK, error-free data transmission
1 Incorrect or missing parameter, the program lists the error specification.
2 Serial port error (doesn't exist, busy, etc.).
3 INMARSAT-C terminal is not connected to given port.
4 Sending the message was successful but wasn't confirmed by the terminal within the timeout of 4 minutes.


Send and e-mail:

sendinmc -E –p COM2 TO:, "This is an email"

Send a fax:

sendinmc -F TO: 421895070312 "This is a fax message"

Send a message to a terminal:

sendinmc -T TO: 581492322095 "This is a message to the terminal"

Default configuration files

Default configuration file - cnffax.txt:

; Destination LES ID
; code : <CSI>[LES]b
; LES - 3 character of value in the range 0..363
; default '115'
LES = 115
; Destination Type
; code : <CSI>[TYPE]e ; TYPE - one character ; default '3' DEST_TYPE = 1 ; Delivery Class ; code : <CSI>[CLASS]f ; CLASS - '0' - immediate delivery, '1' - deferred delivery ; default '0' DELIVERY = 0 ; Delivery Confirmation ; code : <CSI>[CONF]m ; CONF - '0' - no delivery confirmation, '1' - delivery confirmation ; default '0' CONFIRM = 0 ; Message Priority ; code : <CSI>[PRIOR]i ; PRIOR - '0' - normal priority, '1' - distress priority ; default '0' PRIORITY = 0 ; Presentation ; code : <CSI>[PRES]g ; PRES - 3 characters ; default '000' PRESENTATION = 000 ; Service Type ; code : <CSI>[SVCE]d ; SVCE - 2 characters ; default '00' SERV_TYPE = 00 ; Address ; code : <CSI>[ID]c ; ID - 6 characters of destination address ; default '002624' ADDRESS = 000042 ; Address Extension - faxove cislo ; code : <DCS>c;[COUNT];[ADD1]<ST> ; default : not used ADDR_EXT = 421895652094 ; Destination Extension ; code : <CSI>[DEXT]E ; DEXT - 6 characters ; default : not used DEST_EXT = 00T30N

Default configuration file - cnfmail.txt:

; Destination LES ID
; code : <CSI>[LES]b 
; LES - 3 character of value in the range 0..363
; default '115'
LES = 115
; Destination Type
; code : <CSI>[TYPE]e 
; TYPE - one character
; default '3'
; Delivery Class
; code : <CSI>[CLASS]f 
; CLASS - '0' - immediate delivery, '1' - deferred delivery
; default '0'
; Delivery Confirmation
; code : <CSI>[CONF]m 
; CONF - '0' - no delivery confirmation, '1' - delivery confirmation
; default '0'
; Message Priority
; code : <CSI>[PRIOR]i 
; PRIOR - '0' - normal priority, '1' - distress priority
; default '0'
; Presentation
; code : <CSI>[PRES]g 
; PRES - 3 characters
; default '000'
; Service Type
; code : <CSI>[SVCE]d 
; SVCE - 2 characters 
; default '00'
; Address
; code : <CSI>[ID]c 
; ID - 6 characters of destination address
; default '002624'
ADDRESS = 002624
; Address Extension
; code : <DCS>c;[COUNT];[ADD1]<ST> 
; default : not used
ADDR_EXT = 26245880790003 
; Destination Extension
; code : <CSI>[DEXT]E 
; DEXT - 6 characters 
; default : not used

Default configuration file - cnfterm.txt:

; Destination LES ID
; code : <CSI>[LES]b
; LES - 3 character of value in the range 0..363
; default '115'
LES = 115
; Destination Type
; code : <CSI>[TYPE]e 
; TYPE - one character; default '3'
; Delivery Class
; code : <CSI>[CLASS]f 
; CLASS - '0' - immediate delivery, '1' - deferred delivery
; default '0'
; Delivery Confirmation
; code : <CSI>[CONF]m 
; CONF - '0' - no delivery confirmation, '1' - delivery confirmation
; default '0'
; Message Priority
; code : <CSI>[PRIOR]i 
; PRIOR - '0' - normal priority, '1' - distress priority
; default '0'
; Presentation
; code : <CSI&glt;[PRES]g 
; PRES - 3 characters
; default '000'
; Service Type
; code : <CSI>[SVCE]d 
; SVCE - 2 characters 
; default '00'
; Address
; code : <CSI>[ID]c 
; ID - 6 characters of destination address
; default '002624'
ADDRESS = 000581
; Address Extension
; code : <DCS>c;[COUNT];[ADD1]<ST> 
; default : not used
; Destination Extension
; code : <CSI>[DEXT]E 
; DEXT - 6 characters 
; default : not used
DEST_EXT = 000000

Changes and modifications


Document revisions

  • Ver. 1.0 – May 22nd 2000 – document creation.
  • Žiadne štítky