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ZPA INMAT 51/66 communication protocol

Supported device types and versions
Communication line configuration
Communication station configuration
Station protocol parameters
I/O tag configuration
Changes and modifications
Document revisions

Supported device types and versions

This protocol supports data reading and writing to the dataloggers INMAT 66 and INMAT 51 produced by ZPA Nová Paka (Czech republic).

Communication line configuration

  • Communication line category: Serial, SerialOverUDP Device Redundant.
  • The parameters of asynchronous line are set according to version and type of device connection:
    • the settings from manufacturer (you can find out it on a display in the control menu): 9600 Baud, 8 data bits, even parity, 1 stop bit.

When testing, we found out that there was a short period between sending the request and receiving the response (less than 10 ms). You should enter the similar values (1 to 10 ms) into the parameter "Receive delay" in line mode. If there are several devices on one line (RS485), you should set such value which is suitable for all devices to ensure 100% success of data transfer.

Communication station configuration

  • Communication protocol: ZPA INMAT 51/66.
  • The station address is a decimal number in the range of 0 up to 126 (you can find it on a display of device).
  • When necessary, you may enable the synchronization of real-time on station – INMAT devices.

Station protocol parameters

Communication station - configuration dialog box - tab Protocol parameters.
They influence some of the optional parameters. You can set the following station protocol parameters:

Table 1

Parameter Meaning Unit Default value
Wait Timeout Delay between reading the response until it is completed. ms 200 millisec.
Wait First Timeout First waiting for response after sending the request. ms 200 millisec.
Retry Timeout Delay between the response retry if some error in communication occurs. ms 500 millisec.
Max Wait Retry Maximum retries of reading the response until it is completed. - 4
Retry Count Number of response retries if some error in communication occurs. - 2
Local Source Address Local source address of D2000 KOM process. - 0
Full Debug Communication monitoring high level, information about reading I/O tags and received values are displayed.   NO

I/O tag configuration

I/O tags: Ai

For address, you must set two parameters:

INX and IY

These address parameters are provided by the producer (ZPA Nová Paka) when buying the device.

The values are in hexadecimal format:

  • INX – 0 up to FF
  • IY – 0 up to FF



Changes and modifications

  • 21.1.2000 – Testing the communication

Document revisions

  • Ver. 1.1 – February 8, 2000 – Updating
  • Ver. 1.2 – November 21, 2010 – Updating
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