At its start, the archive reads the necessary parameters from the system registry. Their values are set in the D2000 Management Console. Access to the configuration is via the menu Configuration -> SELF.ARC.

Prístup ku konfigurácii archívu

A list of parameters for the archive is displayed in the window. Parameters can be created, deleted or their values edited.

Konfigurácia parametrov archívu

Adding a Parameter

A new parameter can be added after click the  button  Create. The dialog box for defining the parameter opens.

Konfigurácia parametrov kernela

Key (Kľúč)Name of the parameter
Type (Typ)Type of parameter - STRING or INTEGER.
Value (Hodnota)Field for entering a value.

Editing Values of a Parameter

The value of any parameter can be changed by clicking on the button Edit. The dialog box for editing the parameter opens.

Editovanie parametrov kernela

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