At the moment of calling the function
%ESLProfileStart(@TRUE), all lines executed in all running ESL scripts begins to record.
After calling the function %ESLProfileStart(@FALSE), data of the scripts is to be recorded in the file Esl.script_name_instance_id.profiler (e.g. Esl.e.myscript_1250.profiler) in the subdirectory \Log of the installation directory and the acquisition of debugging information is stopped.
The %ESLProfileStart function can be called again with the @TRUE parameter and the debugging information can be acquired again.
Format of written data:
line; count; line duration; action duration; action status; line text; ActionType; Use Pragma ;DataSize ;Use PragmaRPC; DataSizeRPC
line | The row number. |
count | The number of row repetitions. |
line duration | The total duration of row execution. |
action duration | The duration when inactive action waits for execution of the required activity. |
action status | Signalizes the status of action used. |
line text | The text of the executed line. |
ActionType | It is defined if a synchronous action %HI_* is executed on the line.. |
Use Pragma | It is defined if the action PRAGMA was used. |
DataSize | The size of data that have not been copied among the procedures in one ESL script when using PRAGMA. |
Use PragmaRPC | It is defined if PRAGMA was used for RPC procedures. |
DataSizeRPC | The size of data that have not been copied among RPC procedures of ESL scripts on the same event handler if PRAGMA was used for RPC procedures. |
If some of the scripts is terminated or picture is closed before calling of the
%ESLProfileStart(@FALSE) the file
*.profiler will be generated immediately.
This mechanism works only for the scripts that were initiated when the debug variable
DBG.ACTIONS.ENABLE_PROFILE_INFO had been running. It is disabled by default.
At the start of process it may be activated by parameter
/E+DBG.ACTIONS.ENABLE_PROFILE_INFO on the command line, or when the process is run by
D2000 System Console.
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