GrEditor keyboard shortcuts

You can use the following keyboard shortcuts in the process D2000 GrEditor. More experienced users can use the shortcuts for faster control and navigation of the process GrEditor.

Keyboard shortcutFunction
F1Open the HTML Help for the process D2000 GrEditor.
ESCIn the picture:
1. cancel the object selection during object editing
2. cancel the object creation
CCopy (duplicate) selected graphic objects.
CTRL+ASelect all objects - in the picture.
CTRL+LLog on to GrEditor.
CTRL+NCreate a new picture.
CTRL+OOpen a picture.
CTRL+SSave the open picture.
CTRL+YRedo - repeatedly execution of the last action undone using the action Undo.
CTRL+PPrint edited picture.
CTRL+EShow/hide the palettes and Object properties and Connect object.


Cut selected objects.
CTRL+DCopy (duplicate) selected graphic objects.



Copy selected objects into the ClipBoard.


Insert objects from the ClipBoard into a picture.
CTRL+RShow/hide the grid.
CTRL+GAlign the object to the grid - use the grid.
CTRL+0..9In the picture:
0 - set the higher layer
1..9 - select the layer; if the required layer is not in the picture, the higher one is set
CTRL+Left mouse button+movementPicture control mode - zoom in on the picture
DeleteDelete selected graphic objects.
SpaceSelect the newly-created graphic object.
*TABGo to the next graphic object in the picture.
*CTRL+TABGo to the previous graphic object in the picture.
Arrow keysMove the selected objects in the corresponding direction.
CTRL+Arrow keysCopy the selected objects and insert them in the corresponding direction according to the defined parameters of shift.
ALT+Arrow keysMove the selected point of the graphic object (selected by a square mark) in the corresponding direction.
SHIFT+Arrow keysAlign the selected point of the graphic object to the grid.
SHIFT+0..9In the picture:
0 - set zoom according to the higher layer
1..9 - select the zoom of layer; if the required layer is not in the picture, zoom is set according to the higher layer
SHIFT+Left mouse button+movementPicture control mode - movement in zoom

* Graphic objects are, in order as were created, inserted into a sequential list - sequence. Using the keyboard shortcuts TAB a CTRL+TAB it is possible to go to the next (previous) object in this sequence. The position of the given object in the sequence is changed by changes in the object order, e.g. moving the object above or below another graphic object (topic Change object order).

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