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Supported device types and versions
Communication line configuration
Communication line parameters
Communication station configuration
Station parameters
I/O tag configuration
Document revisions

Supported device types and versions

The protocol allows communication with devices communicating using the LoRaWAN protocol. The LoRaWAN protocol is a protocol designed for occasional, energy-efficient wireless transmission of a small amount of data called payload (typically several bytes) over long distances between linked objects - in LoRaWAN terminology called mote (typically battery-powered sensors) and LoRaWAN gateway.
The gateway can then communicate directly with the D2000 COM process or send the payload to the network servers or to the cloud, where data processing is performed (deduplication, filtration), followed by the data sent to the D2000 COM process. In any case, the payload is packed in an envelope (e. g. such as a field in a JSON message or in a CSV file) and transferred up to the D2000 COM process. The payload is decoded there (using Base64 encoding or Base64 + Base16 encoding) and processed.
Payload processing is dependent on device type (defined in parameter of Device Type protocol).

The communication was tested between sensors and LoRaWAN gateway Kerlink IoT Station 868. It was, depending on the installed firmware:

  • sending data directly to the D2000 COM process (JSON messages in UDP packets)
  • sending data to the cloud TheThings.Network, from where it was read by D2000 KOM process (JSON messages in MQTT protocol through TCP connection)
  • sending data to the cloud, which was forwarding them via MQTT to, from where it was read by D2000 KOM process (JSON messages in MQTT protocol through TCP connection)

Communication line configuration

  • Communication line category: SerialOverUDP Device Redundant, TCP/IP-TCP.
  • Configuration of SerialOverUDP Device Redundant line:
    • Local port: port, where the D2000 KOM process receives UDP packets
    • Primary / Backup Device: IP address LoRaWAN gateway
      (pre Connection Type=Kerlink IoT Station SPN)
    • Port: port, where the LoRaWAN gateway receives UDP packets (currently unused, as there is no implemented record)
  • Configuration of TCP/IP-TCP line:
    • Host: IP address of server, to which the D200 KOM process connects or redundant addresses separated by a comma or semicolon
      (for Connection Type=MQTT client)
    • Port: server port, to which the D200 KOM process connects

Communication line configuration

Communication line - configuration dialog - Protocol parameters tab.
The parameters influence some optional protocol parameters. The following protocol line parameters can be used:

Table 1

Parameter Description Unit / size Default Value
Connection Type Type of connection between D2000 KOM process and other party (LoRaWAN gateway, network server, cloud).
Currently supported are:
  • Kerlink IoT Station SPN (JSON via UDP packets): communication with Kerlink IoT Station with firmware SPN (Small Private Network). Line must be of the SerialOverUDP Device Redundant type.
  • MQTT Client (JSON via MQTT): communication with network server or cloud using MQTT protocol. Line must be of the TCP/IP-TCP type.
- Kerlink IoT Station SPN
Mote Field Name Name of field with identifier of LoRaWAN device (mote).
Note: For JSON messages that can be structured, the syntax level1.level2.level3 ... is supported e.g. rx.moteeui and if they contain fields (indexed from 1) then also the syntax level1[index1].level2[index2].level3 ... is supported e.g. rx.gwrx[1].time. For examples see description of I/O tags of the Envelope type.
- rx.moteeui
Payload Field Name Name of field with payload. See the note next to the Mote Field Name parameter. - rx.userdata.payload
Payload Encoding A method of payload encoding in the message. Supported encoding:
  • Base16 + Base64 encoding (Kerlink SPN) - for Connection Type=Kerlink IoT Station SPN
  • Base64 encoding ( - for Connection Type=MQTT Client communicating with cloud
  • Base64 encoding (Loriot, Slovanet) - for Connection Type=MQTT Client communicating with Loriot and Slovanet clouds
  • None - message contains a payload without encoding - not yet used
- Base16 + Base64 encoding
Time Field Name Name of field with time stamp. If the field is not found, the current time is assigned to the values. See the note next to the Mote Field Name parameter. - rx.gwrx[1].time
Time Mask Mask for parsing a value in field with time stamp.
Note: from settings of time station parameters depends whether the time is interpreted as local or UTC with configured offset.
Special masks are:
  • UNIX - the numeric value represents the number of seconds from epoch 00:00:00 01.01.1970 UTC.
  • UNIXMS - the numeric value represents the number of miliseconds from epoch 00:00:00.000 01.01.1970 UTC.
- yyyy-mm-dd hh:mi:ss
Frame Type Field Name The name of field that indicates the message type. If the value is empty, the message type is not distinguished. (For example, cloud Loriot sends messages of a various types.) -  
Frame Type Field Required Value If the message type differentiation is active (non-empty value of Frame Type Field Name parameter), the message type must match the specified value, otherwise, the message is ignored. -  
Full Debug Enabling the detailed statements about sending and receiving values. YES/NO NO
Parameters specific for Connection Type=MQTT Client.
MQTT User Name See the description of the User Name parameter in the MQTT protocol documentation.
MQTT Password See the description of the Password parameter in the MQTT protocol documentation.
MQTT Topic Filter See the description of the Topic Filter parameter in the MQTT protocol documentation. +/+/+/up
MQTT Subscribe QoS See the description of the Subscribe QoS parameter in the MQTT protocol documentation.
MQTT Client ID See the description of the Client ID parameter in the MQTT protocol documentation.
MQTT Clean Session Flag See the description of the Clean Session Flag parameter in the MQTT protocol documentation.
MQTT Publish Format Format of JSON message used while writing a value. The content of I/O tag of Write type will be encoded (depending on the Payload Encoding parameter) and inserted into the message, where it will replace the #PAY# string.
The default value "{"port":1, "confirmed":false, "payload_raw":#PAY#} was tested when sending data to cloud TheThings.Network.
- "{"port":1, "confirmed":false, "payload_raw":#PAY#}
MQTT Publish QoS See the description of the Publish QoS parameter in the MQTT protocol documentation.
MQTT Ping Interval See the description of the Ping Interval parameter in the MQTT protocol documentation.
MQTT Reply Timeout See the description of the Reply Timeout parameter in the MQTT protocol documentation.
MQTT Wait Timeout See the description of the Wait Timeout parameter in the MQTT protocol documentation.
MQTT Max. Wait Retry See the description of the Max. Wait Retry parameter in the MQTT protocol documentation.

Line parameters tested for Connection Type=Kerlink IoT Station SPN towards Kerlink IoT Station 868 with firmware SPN

Parameter Value
Connection Type Kerlink IoT Station SPN
Mote Field Name rx.moteeui
Payload Field Name rx.userdata.payload
Payload Encoding Base16 + Base64 encoding
Time Field Name rx.gwrx[1].time
Time Mask yyyy-mm-dd hh:mi:ss
Frame Type Field Name
Frame Type Field Required Value

Line parameters tested for Connection Type=MQTT client towards

Parameter Value
Connection Type MQTT client
Mote Field Name dev_id or hardware_serial
Payload Field Name payload_raw
Payload Encoding Base64 encoding
Time Field Name metadata.time
Time Mask yyyy-mm-dd hh:mi:ss.mss
Frame Type Field Name
Frame Type Field Required Value
MQTT User Name ipesoft-test
MQTT Password ***
MQTT Topic Filter +/+/+/up
MQTT Client ID D2000kom
MQTT Clean Session Flag NO
MQTT Publish Format {"port":1, "confirmed":false, "payload_raw":#PAY#}
MQTT Publish QoS QoS_0, QoS_1, QoS_2
MQTT Ping Interval 60
MQTT Reply Timeout 20
MQTT Wait Timeout 00.100
MQTT Max. Wait Retry 3

Line parameters tested for Connection Type=MQTT client towards with following setup:

  • Output via protocol MQTT
  • MQTT broker:
  • MQTT topic: com/ipesoft/iot
Parameter Value
Connection Type MQTT client
Mote Field Name EUI
Payload Field Name data
Payload Encoding Base16 encoding
Time Field Name ts
Time Mask UNIXMS
Frame Type Field Name cmd
Frame Type Field Required Value rx
MQTT User Name
MQTT Password
MQTT Topic Filter com/ipesoft/iot
MQTT Client ID D2000kom
MQTT Clean Session Flag NO
MQTT Publish Format
MQTT Publish QoS QoS_1
MQTT Ping Interval 60
MQTT Reply Timeout 20
MQTT Wait Timeout 00.100
MQTT Max. Wait Retry 3

Line parameters tested for Connection Type=MQTT client towards LoraLINK Slovanet:

Parameter Hodnota
Connection Type MQTT client
Mote Field Name devEUI
Payload Field Name dataHex
Payload Encoding Base16 encoding
Time Field Name timeStamp
Time Mask * yyyy-mm-ddThh:mi:ss.mss
Frame Type Field Name
Frame Type Field Required Value
MQTT User Name (podľa AppEUI)
MQTT Password ***
MQTT Topic Filter app/(appEUI)/node/+/rxdata
MQTT Client ID D2000kom
MQTT Clean Session Flag YES
MQTT Publish Format {"reference":"","confirmed":true,"fPort":3,"dataHex":#PAY#}
MQTT Publish QoS QoS_0
MQTT Ping Interval 60
MQTT Reply Timeout 20
MQTT Wait Timeout 00.100
MQTT Max. Wait Retry 3

* Note.: Timestamp is sent in local time. Station time settings are to be configured accordingly.

Communication station configuration

  • Communication protocol "IoT over LoRaWAN".
  • Station address: the address of the station is the identifier of the specific device (mote) that is in the Mote Field Name field.
    • for Connection Type=Kerlink IoT Station SPN is address a text representation of 8 byte LoRaWAN address (e.g. 00-00-00-00-21-1a-e3-c8)
    • for Connection Type=MQTT Client the address may be a text representation of 8 byte LoRaWAN address (e.g. 0018B2000000147D) or a symbolic address defined within MQTT server (e.g. fieldtestdevice)

Parameters of station protocol

Dialog station configuration - Protocol Parameter field.
They affect some optional protocol parameters. The following station parameter parameters can be entered:

Table 2

Parameter Description Unit Default Value
Device Type LoRaWAN type of device. Each device type may have its own structure of transmitted data (payload). The list of supported devices will gradually increase.
Currently supported devices are:
  • None - no device
  • OEM device - payload parsing is performed by an external dll library
  • Adeunis RF Field Test Device - test device sending GPS position data and temperature data
  • SolidusTech IndoorUNI Sensor - indoor temperature and humidity meter
  • SolidusTech miniUNI DS18B20 Sensor - temperature meter for outdoor use
  • Adeunis RF LoRaWAN TEMP (ARF8180BA) - temperature meter for outdoor use with two independent temperature sensors.
- None
External Dll Name Name of external DLL library with code for payload parsing for Device Type=OEM device. -  
MQTT Topic (for writing) Topic used when writing the value (for Connection Type=MQTT client).
Note: for ipesoft-test user and fieldtestdevice device was tested towards writing with MQTT_TOPIC=ipesoft-test/devices/fieldtestdevice/down.

I/O tag configuration

Possible value types of I/O tags: Ai, Di, Ci, TxtI, Qi, TxtO.

Value type Address
(address type)
Ai, Di, Ci, Qi, TxtI Payload I/O tags parsed from payload. Address (Address) depends on device type (Device Type parameter). Address is not case sensitive.
A special case is a blank address - the I/O tag will contain the entire payload (after relevant decoding depending on Payload Encoding parameter).
The following tables indicate the addresses for each device type:

Payload addresses for device type of OEM Device
address depends on the specific implementation (dll library).

Payload addresses for device type of Adeunis RF Field Test Device

Address Description
Status Status byte of device.
TriggerAccelerometer The True value means that the message sending was initiated by an accelerometer.
TriggerButton The True value means that the message sending was initiated by a button.
Temperature Measured temperature (-128 °C .. 127°C).
GpsLatitude Latitude (0-90 degrees) from GPS sensor.
Note: GPS data may be missing if the device has no GPS signal.
HemisphereSouth The True value means that the latitude is south (the device is in the southern hemisphere).
GpsLongitude Longitude (0-180 degrees) from the GPS sensor.
HemisphereWest The True value means that the latitude is west (the device is in the western hemisphere).
GpsQualityReception GPS signal reception quality: 1 Good, 2 Average, 3 Poor
QpsQualitySatellites Number of visible GPS satellites.
UplinkCounter Packet uplink counter (packets sent from the device to the LoRaWAN gateway).
DownlinkCounter Packet uplink counter (packets sent to the device from the LoRaWAN gateway).
BatteryLevel Battery voltage in mV.
RSSI Indicator of strength of the received signal (Received Signal Strength Indicator) - value between 0-255. Payload contains the field only if  it has previously been written to the device (sending data from the LoRaWAN gateway to the device).
SNR Signal Noise Ratio v dB (-128 .. 127). Payload contains the field only if  it has previously been written to the device (sending data from the LoRaWAN gateway to the device).

Payload addresses for device type of SolidusTech IndoorUNI Sensor

Address Description
ADR Adaptive Data Rate (optimizing data transfer speed and energy consumption). Value True indicates that ADR is on.
DataRate Data Rate (data transmission rate) 0-5.
SNR Signal Noise Ratio v dB (-128 .. 128).
BatteryLevel Battery voltage in mV.
Temperature Temperature (-125.99°C .. 125.99°C) with 0.1°C resolution.
Humidity Relative humidity (0.0%-100%) with 0.1% resolution.
PowerAdapter The True value means that the device is connected to a power adapter, the False value means that it is powered by battery (always False for firmware version FW 0.2.2 and lower).
Contact The True value means that an auxiliary contact is switched on (always False for firmware version FW 0.2.2 and lower).

Payload addresses for device type of SolidusTech miniUNI DS18B20 Sensor

Address Description
BatteryLevel Battery voltage in mV.
SNR Signal Noise Ratio of previous payload in dB. It applies after ACK is received. Value 127 indicates an undefined value (no ACK or downlink packet was received from LoRaWAN gateway).
Temperature Temperature (-25°C .. 85°C) with resolution 0.1°C.

Payload addresses for device type of Adeunis RF LoRaWAN TEMP (ARF8180BA)
Address Description
FrameCounter Internal message counter going from 0 to 7.
BatteryLow Low battery indicator. Has values True or False.
HWError Indicator of hardware error in a device (temperature sensor error etc.).
InternalTemp The value of the temperature sensor located in the device housing with a resolution of 0.1 °C.
ExternalTemp The value of the temperature sensor located on external wire with a resolution of 0.1 °C.
Ai, Di, Ci, Qi, TxtI Envelope I/O tag parsed from envelope of message. The address is the name of the field in the envelope of message.
Note: For JSON messages that can be structured, the syntax level1.level2.level3 ... is supported, e.g. rx.moteeui and if they contain fields (indexed from 1) then also level1[index1].level2[index2].level3 ... syntax, e.g. rx.gwrx[1].time.

Example of JSON message for Connection Type=Kerlink IoT Station SPN (added spacing and alignment for better legibility):
  "rx": {
    "moteeui": "00-00-00-00-00-1e-fc-1d", 
    "userdata": {
        "seqno": 77, 
        "port": 1, 
        "payload": "NzM3RjAwZTgwMA==", 
        "motetx": {
            "freq": 868500000,
	    "modu": "LoRa",
	    "datr": "SF7BW125",
	    "codr": "4/5"
     "gwrx": [
         "time": "2017-07-05 16:06:52",
	 "chan": 2,
	 "rfch": 0,
	 "rssi": -33,
	 "lsnr": 7.5
I/O tags of envelope may have addresses e.g. rx.moteeui, rx.userdata.seqno, rx.userdata.motetx.freq, rx.gwrx[1].time.

Example of JSON message for Connection Type=MQTT Client (JSON via MQTT) (added spacing and alignment for better legibility):
I/O tags of envelope may have addresses e.g. dev_id, metadata.time, metadata.gateways[1].latitude.
TxtI All data I/O tag, that will contain the complete received message - the whole envelope (e.g. JSON message). The I/O tag is intended for debugging purposes and for eventual processing of the entire message in the script.
TxtO Write (MQTT) I/O tag for writing. Currently implemented just for Connection Type=MQTT client and tested towards cloud TheThings.Network.
The value of I/O tag is considered to be a payload that will be encoded (depending on the Payload Encoding parameter) and inserted into the message template defined by the MQTT Publish Format parameter, where it will replace the #PAY# string. The resulting message will be sent to the MQTT server.


Official website of LoRaWAN alliance
Official website of MQTT protocol

Specifications and Standards
MQTT 3.1.1 specification
ISO/IEC 20922:2016

Descriptions of Data Formats and API - Application API Data Format - API Reference

Document revisions

  • Ver. 1.0 - August 10th, 2017 - Document creation.
  • Ver. 1.1 - August 25th, 2017 - Extended line configuration (Frame Type, Time Mask - UNIX, UNIXMS, PayloadEncoding - Base16), support of AdeunisRF LoRaWAN TEMP device and communication with
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