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ZPA INMAT 64/65 communication protocol

Supported device types and versions
Communication line configuration
Communication station configuration
I/O tag configuration
Changes and modifications
Document revisions

Supported device types and versions

This protocol supports data reading from the INMAT 64 and INMAT 65 dataloggers produced by ZPA Nová Paka (Czech republic).

Communication line configuration

A device sends data spontaneously (without the request for data). A delay between the transmitted data blocks is 5 seconds.

Communication station configuration

  • Communication protocol: ZPA INMAT 64/65.
  • The station address is not used. On one serial line, only one INMAT 64 or 65 can be connected.

Station protocol parameters

They are not used.

I/O tag configuration

I/O tags: Ai

The address can be entered as a decimal number or a hexadecimal number with a hash at the beginning (e.g. #A).

The value meaning:

01Heat outputGJ/hour
111/4 hourly maximumGJ
21Heat output sumGJ
31Instantaneous mass flow ratet/hour
41Mass flow rate sumt
61Temperature difference [°C] - INMAT 64 or Operating pressure [MPa] - INMAT 65-
72Heat outputGJ/hour
821/4 hourly maximumGJ
92Heat output sumGJ
102Instantaneous mass flow ratet/hour
112Mass flow rate sumt
132Temperature difference [°C] - INMAT 64 or Operating pressure [MPa] - INMAT 65-



Changes and modifications


Document revisions

  • Ver. 1.0 – February 23, 2001 – Creation of document
  • Žiadne štítky