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« Predchádzajúce Verzia 2 Ďalej »


Recalculation (calculation) of the values of:
  • statistical historical value
  • calculated historical value
statistical historical value or a calculated historical value - the parameter Compute on demand must be checked in its configuration.
 CALCONDEMANDSTAT archIdent, timeFromIdent_TmA, timeToIdent_TmA, bCalcDepend[, statusIdent_Int] 
archIdentinReference to one value of historical value, column or row of structured historical value (see Note).
timeFromItemIdent_TmAinIdentifier of AbsTime type - interval beginning.
timeToItemIdent_TmAinIdentifier of AbsTime type - interval end.
bCalcDependinIdentifier of Bool type - recalculation of dependent OnDemand archives.
statusIdent_IntoutCalculation (action) success.

The action sends requests to the D2000 Archiv process to recalculate the statistical values of:

  1. one historical value (archIdent) - the value of the parameter bCalcDepend = @FALSE. The Archiv process will calculate only defined historical value (archIdent),
  2. one historical value (archIdent) and all the historical values depending on it (in dependence on a value of the parameter bCalcDepend) - the value of the parameter bCalcDepend = @TRUE. The D2000 Archiv process will calculate the given object (archIdent) and all archive objects that directly or indirectly depend on given archive object.

All the calculations are being executed for the time interval given by the parameters timeFromIdent_TmA and timeToIdent_TmA.

If the optional parameter statusIdent_Int is entered, the action will be terminated after terminating all required calculations on the Archiv process.

The parameter statusIdent_Int can get one of the following values:

The archIdent parameter can also contain the reference to a part (row or column) or entire structured historical value.
  • H.ColArchiv - reference to entire structured historical value
  • H.ColArchiv[2] - reference to all values of structured historical value within the row of 2
  • H.ColArchiv^ColName - reference to all values of structured historical value within the ColName column
 TIME _bt 
 TIME _et 
 INT  _retCode 
 _bt := %StrToTime("00:00:00 16-10-2003")
 _et := %StrToTime("00:00:00 17-10-2003")
 CALCONDEMANDSTAT H.Primary, _bt, _et, @FALSE, _retCode
   ; calculation executed
   ; an error occurred

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